Showing posts with label TikTokers fall for Al-Qaeda Terrorist Leader Osama Bin Laden Letter to America Pay with the Blood of Christians on 9/11 #lettertoamerica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TikTokers fall for Al-Qaeda Terrorist Leader Osama Bin Laden Letter to America Pay with the Blood of Christians on 9/11 #lettertoamerica. Show all posts

Friday, November 17, 2023

TikTokers fall for Al-Qaeda Terrorist Leader Osama Bin Laden Letter to America Pay with the Blood of Christians on 9/11 #lettertoamerica

If you use suicide bombers and YouTube live feed beheadings to promote your political agenda, you just might be a terrorist! Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda and Hamas are not Freedom Fighters, they are blood thirsty terrorists. TikTokers fall for the Full text: Osama bin Laden's 'letter to America' Pay with the 'blood of Christians' that clueless Tiktokers fell for. From Usama Bin Muhammad Bin Ladin to the American people,. I speak to you about the subject of the ongoing war between you and us. TikTok users share agreement with Bin Laden's letter. The openly antisemitic letter blames the September 11 attacks in the Eastern US on the existence of Israel, WTF? A letter written 21 years ago by Osama Bin Laden, the founder of Al Qaeda, has gone viral on brainless TikTok with many users expressing their agreement with the terrorist. The openly-antisemitic letter, written only a year after the September 11 attacks that cost the lives of nearly 3,000 people, was published in the Guardian in 2002 but was removed on November 15, 2023, after the social media trend became known to the site. The hashtag #lettertoamerica has been viewed 4.5 million times on the application.  

UPDATE at 4:21 pm Nov 17, 2023... — TikTok removed the hashtag #lettertoamerica from its search function after videos about Osama bin Laden's 2002 “Letter to America” went viral.

No American should ever forget that Osama bin Laden’s stated goal was to impose the virulent Wahhabi version of Islam promoted by Saudi Arabia on ‘infidels’ and ‘non-believers’ around the world and here in America — the version that treats women as second-class citizens, prosecutes homosexuals, kills journalists and embraces beheadings for minor deviations from the Wahhabi doctrine.  

#lettertoamerica Page 1. (Osama bin Laden's letter quotes Marx &Lenin, Thomas Paine, sovereign citizens, and God - Allah). In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful To the American people, Peace be upon those who follow the righteous track. Hereafter, The subject of my talk to you is the overwhelming control of capital and its effect on the ongoing war between us (terrorists vs western values). I direct my talk specifically to those who support real change, especially the (impressionable) youth. I say from the onset: Your former president warned you previously about the devastating Jewish control of capital and about a day that would come when it would enslave you; it has happened (this letter from an oil rich sheikh). Your current president warns you now about the enormity of capital control and it has a cycle whereby it devours humanity when it is devoid of the precepts of God's law (Shari’a law eye for a eye, hand for a hand etc). Your financial system in its totality was about to collapse within 48 hours had not the administration reverted to using taxpayer's money to rescue the vultures by using the assets of the victims. As for us, our Iraq was invaded in response to pressure from capitalists with greed for black gold, and you continue to support the oppressive Israelis in their occupation of our Palestine in response to pressures on your administration by a Jewish lobby backed by enormous financial capabilities. An observer of the policies of the new administration realizes that the change is tactical and not strategic; it does not at all agree with the change you seek. There are very many indicators of this, especially concerning important matters related to your security and economy, particularly the ongoing war between us. The previous administration was successful in implicating you in these wars against us under the premise that they are necessary for your security or according to the promise that it would be short and would finish in six days or six weeks. Six years has passed, and that administration is gone without realizing the victory. The man calling for change promised you victory in Afghanistan and set a time for withdrawal. Before the end of the set time, Petraeus, from the previous administration, came and asked for an extension of six more months. If it was the six-day war that started by President Bush, and six years have not been enough to finish it, then the wise men should question how long would a six-month war take and whether you are able to fund a war that requires a large amount of money that weakens your economy and your dollar. For Obama to leave one-third of the soldiers in Iraq, and the statements from his administration about this, especially from Aderno, about the possibility of Obama's ordering the return of the forces he took out of Iraq, it would have been better for him had he disagreed with the ethics of the previous administration and adopted the truth as a friend and told you that he will not withdraw from Iraq, which may not serve the US interests but it is in the interest of the large corporations. His only task is to keep the train on the tracks that are laid down by the lobbyists in New York and Washington to serve their interests first, even if it is counter to your security and economy. Any president who tries to move the train from the lobbyist's tracks to a track for the American people's interests will confront very strong opposition and pressures from the lobbyists. Your president described the decision by the court in favor of corporations to intervene in the political arena as a victory, but it is not [a victory] for the American people except for the big corporations. There is no doubt about it that it is a right, and it is also a right for the administration to support the oppressive Israelis for the continued occupation of our land and the killing of our brothers, marking a victory for the Jewish lobby. The president was not able to defend you against the security and economic loss. The way for change and freeing yourselves from the pressure of lobbyists is not through the Republican or the Democratic parties, but through undertaking a great revolution for freedom: not to free Iraq from Saddam Hussein but to free the White House and to free Barack Husayn so he can implement the change you seek. The British Parliament sided with corporations, then against the interests of the citizens. The British military governor in the United States used to have the right to appoint judges and mayors. Similarly, the corruption is deep rooted now in all higher authorities, thus giving authorities over these offices to corporations. Subsequently, the higher court adjudicated their support of political financing by corporations under such circumstances. Reading the book by the intellectual Thomas Paine helped your fathers in the revolution against the oppressors. It is useful for you to read it under the current, similar circumstances. You are in need of people like Thomas Paine to publish books pointing out the similarities between the two phases and that will have a similar effect. The United States shall pay for its arrogance with the blood of Christians and their funds. Peace be upon those who follow the righteous track to Allah, YEAH THE SUCKERS WHO BELIEVE THIS CRAP!

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