Sarasota Private Investigator Better Call Bill Warner - True Crime Stories

Sarasota Private Investigator Better Call Bill Warner - True Crime Stories

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

23 Years Since Sept 11th 2001 Still No Convictions Of Gitmo Al-Qaeda Bosses or Arrest of Saudi Imam Support Network in San Diego & Sarasota Fl.

23 years since Sept 11th, 2001 still no convictions of Gitmo Al-Qaeda Bosses which carry the death penalty or arrest of Saudi Imam support network in San Diego & Sarasota Fl. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, nicknamed KSM by the F.B.I., is accused of conceiving of the “Planes Operation”. His co-defendants are Walid bin Attash, known as Khallad, Ramzi bin al-Shibh accused of organizing the Hamburg Germany cell of Sept. 11 hijackers, Ammar al-Baluchi named in the charges as Abd al Aziz Ali he ran money transfers to hijackers and Mustafa al Hawsawi aiding the hijackers. Jamal Khashoggi was going to speak about the Saudi support network for the 19 hijack terrorists inside the USA prior to Sept 11th, 2001 but on October 2nd 2018 he was murdered by a kill team sent by Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman in the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul. Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered and dismembered by Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman's kill team. Jamal Khashoggi was going to speak to an investigator for the Attorney for the 'Survivors and Families of the 9/11 Terrorist Attack' on issues related to their lawsuit against Saudi Arabia. Jamal Khashoggi had intimate knowledge of al-Qaeda and the Saudi support of al-Qaeda. It's all connected to Saudi Arabia. As the nation prepares to mark the 23rd anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the New York City Fire Department has added 43 new names to its World Trade Center Memorial Wall commemorating firefighters, paramedics and civilian support staff members who have died from illnesses related to the rescue and recovery efforts in the aftermath of one of the darkest days in U.S. history. The additions to the memorial wall bring the total number of FDNY members who have succumbed to post-9/11 illnesses to 331, which is nearly equal to 343, the number of firefighters killed in the Twin Towers on Sept 11th, the day of the attacks.

Told You So, 9/11 Al-Qaeda Hijack Pilots Support Network in Sarasota & San Diego Was Radical Imams of Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs. It was the use of 'Freedom of Religion' as  a cover that allowed radical Imams, Saudi Holy Men, to aid the 9/11 hijackers in America, we got played! For 23 years I have posted articles that indicated the FBI had secret reports concerning the Saudi Imam support network for 9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi, and Khalid al-Mihdhar while they lived in San Diego CA and Mohamed Atta and his two pilot pals in Sarasota Fl. The names of radical Saudi Imams who came in contact with and supplied material support to 9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar have been published in multiple FBI reports. But there are no FBI reports linking 9/11 hijack pilots Mohamed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah to radical Saudi Imam Muneer Arafat in Sarasota Fl where the terrorists lived from July 2000 to January 2001? In fact the FBI has repeatedly released bogus reports indicating that there was no Saudi linked support network for the 9/11 hijack pilots in Sarasota Fl.  "The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is attempting to dismiss a lawsuit against it. A lawsuit that the 9/11 families have been doggedly pursuing for the last 23 years,” said Brett Eagleson, president of 9/11 Justice. "A lawsuit in which we’ve amassed thousands of documents that shows the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was culpable for supporting the 9/11 hijackers."

"We Have Some Planes" on Sept 11, 2001 we watched in horror on TV for 73 min and 23 seconds the complete devastation caused by Muslim terrorists who hijacked 4 Airliners. 9/11 Hijack pilot Mohamed Atta on American Airlines Flight 11 flew the airplane going about 600 mph into the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City at 8:46:40 am. The impact occurs between floors 93 and 99. The crash instantly kills hundreds, including all those on board. About 17 minutes later at 9:03:02 am Flight 175 piloted by Marwan al-Shehhi crashes at about 590 mph into the south face of the South Tower (2 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 77 and 85. Parts of the plane, including the starboard engine, leave the building from its east and north sides, falling to the ground six blocks away. 9/11 Hijack pilot Hani Hanjour on Airlines Flight 77 advanced the throttles to maximum power and dove towards the Pentagon at a speed of over 530 mph. On Sept 11 at 09:37:46 am, Hanjour crashed the Boeing 757 into the west facade of the Pentagon, killing all 64 aboard along with 125 on the ground in the Pentagon. United Airlines Flight 93 taken over by 9/11 hijack pilot Ziad Jarrah left Newark, N.J., heading for San Francisco, Calif. 

There were 38 passengers and a crew of seven on board. Thirty-seven phone calls were made by 13 persons on board the plane between the time of the hijacking at 9:28 am and the time of the crash at 10:03 am. The final plane of 4 hijacked crashed into a field in Pennsylvania having been taken over by some of the courageous passengers ending 73 min and 23 seconds of terror. The Twin Towers were the tallest buildings in New York City. At 110 stories each, 1 WTC (North Tower) and 2 WTC (South Tower) provided nearly 10 million square feet of office space for about 35,000 people and 430 companies.

FBI won't reveal 9/11 Al-Qaeda hijack pilots Saudi support network in Sarasota and San Diego linked to radical Imams at Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs that preached strict Saudi Wahhabism at Mosques all across the United States prior to Sept 11th, 2001. For more than two centuries, Wahhabism has been Saudi Arabia's dominant faith. It is an austere form of Islam that insists on a literal interpretation of the Koran. Strict Wahhabis believe that all those who don't practice their form of Islam are heathens and enemies. Former FBI agent who worked on still-secret FBI 9/11 case says hijackers had U.S.-based support network. Danny Gonzalez, a former FBI agent who worked on the operation, told CBS News that he's confident that at least two of the hijackers had a U.S.-based support network. "19 hijackers cannot commit 3,000 mass murders by themselves," Gonzalez said in his first television interview about the investigation. The 9/11 families are suing Saudi Arabia for big money. “The FBI agents working this case for the 9/11 families detailed a Saudi government support network that was working in 1999, 2000 and 2001 to provide the hijackers with everything they needed to mount the attacks — apartments, money, English lessons, flight school.” 9/11 Muslim Hijack pilots Mohamed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah and Hani Hanjour had terror support network in Sarasota and San Diego that linked to Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs and the Wahhabi Imams

Much like the Japanese Kamikaze pilots at Pearl Harbor and all during World War II in the Pacific, religious fervor and maniacal adherence to an radical ideology drove what otherwise were normal intelligent men to purposely crash a plane into a building or a ship. ABC News Tampa posted at 2:38 PM Sep 13, 2021 SARASOTA, Fla. — In the days after 9/11, terrorists’ ties to Tampa Bay immediately began to surface. The ABC Action News I-Team revisited those connections twenty years later and exploring some still-unanswered questions about exactly what happened. “A lot happened here, a lot,” said private investigator Bill Warner. “They were here, going to the same places I’m going to.” Warner partnered with police, sheriff’s deputies and was eventually paid by ICE for providing surveillance photos and phone bills he collected from the garbage cans of people of interest.

"WE HAVE SOME PLANES". What drove the 9/11 Muslim hijack pilots to kill themselves and about 3,000 other people on 9/11 was the strict adherence to Wahhabism preached by the Islamic Imams who were selected to council these pilots for over a year inside the USA. The radical Islamic ideology of Wahhabism was preached in the USA by Imams Linked to Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs. The extremist ideology Wahhabism is a major force behind terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and the 9/11 terrorists were the products of Wahhabism's hateful preaching! Al-Qaeda is shorthand for a much larger religious phenomena - militant Islamic fundamentalism - that has spawned violence and terrorism against the rest of the world. For more than two centuries, Wahhabism has been Saudi Arabia's dominant faith. It is an austere form of Islam that insists on a literal interpretation of the Koran. Strict Wahhabis believe that all those who don't practice their form of Islam are heathens and enemies that need to be dealt with. Although the horrific 9/11 attacks unfolded hundreds of miles away, it was quickly clear that Florida had been the main staging area for the plotters — the transient nature of its population providing perfect cover.“What happened in Sarasota still remains a mystery,” “There are inconsistencies in what the FBI says publicly and their official investigative reports about the support network for 9/11 hijack pilots in Sarasota Fl.”

This writer is originally from Binghamton NY, about 180 miles from New York City and over the years a frequent visitor to the area. Fifteen victims in the 9/11 terror attacks were from Binghamton University on the Vestal Prky in Binghamton NY. Two more victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center have been identified in New York City — just days before the nation marks the 20th anniversary of the tragedy on 9/11/2021. Dorothy Morgan of Hempstead, N.Y., is the 1,646th victim to be identified through ongoing DNA analysis of unidentified remains recovered from the World Trade Center site, where 2,753 lives were lost. The second person — and the 1,647th victim — is a man whose name is being withheld at his family’s request. Morgan and the man were identified by New York City’s Office of Chief Medical Examiner using new forensic technology and advances in DNA science. It’s the first time in two years a victim’s remains have been identified. There are still more than 1,100 victims, at least 40% of those who died on 9/11, that remain unidentified. In total, twenty survivors were pulled out of the rubble. The final survivor, Port Authority secretary Genelle Guzman-McMillan, was rescued 27 hours after the collapse of the North Tower.

The melting point of the steel beams used to construct the WTC is approximately 2600 degrees Fahrenheit. The melting point of the structural A325 heavy hex bolts used to connect the the steel beams in the WTC is the same, but they cut much quicker than the steel with an
acetylene torch. I know this as a fact as I worked as a Ironworker before and during summer breaks while at college in the same time frames as when the WTC was being built. All the weight of the floors is placed on the structural A325 heavy hex bolts holding the steel beams together, the steel beams are not welded together as some people think. The acetylene torch used by Iron workers to cut steel beams and hex bolts used in construction of the WTC produces a relatively hot flame with a temperature of about 3200 degrees Fahrenheit. The strength of steel remains essentially unchanged until about 600 degrees Fahrenheit, the steel loses about 50% of its strength at 1100 degrees Fahrenheit when warping can occur under heavy load. The steel loses all of its capacity when it melts at about 2600 degrees Fahrenheit. 9/11 hijack pilot Mohamed Atta studied Architecture at Cairo University graduating in 1990 and continued his studies in Germany at the Hamburg University of Technology, he would know about structural steel strengths. 9/11 boss and coordinator Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) holds a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from North Carolina A&T State University, he wold have knowledge of the fact that steel loses about 50% of its strength at 1100 degrees Fahrenheit and that jet fuel burns at about 1890 degrees Fahrenheit more than enough to warp the steel beams in the WTC. Two planes loaded with jet fuel crashed into the WTC and the subsequent unusually large number of jet-fuel ignited multi-floor fires reached temperatures as high 1890 degrees Fahrenheit that significantly weakened the floors and steel columns with dislodged fireproofing to the point where steel floors sagged and pulled inward on the perimeter steel columns dislodging the structural A325 heavy hex bolts used to connect the the steel beams.

Motion by Attorneys for 9/11 families lawsuit vs Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, December 7th, 2021. Saudi Arabia's support of terrorism with direct involvement by Saudi government Imams with the Ministry of Islamic Affairs in recruitment and fundraising activities for al Qaeda, including recruitment of certain of the 9/11 hijackers. Saudi clerics, paid by the government of the Kingdom and preaching at state funded mosques in the US, issued fatwas that provided religious justification for al Qaeda’s terrorist actions on 9/11, like like Muhammed Jaber Fakihi with the "Hamburg Cell", Imam Muneer Arafat while working in St Louis and Sarasota, Ali Al Timimi, a Muslim cleric of Fairfax, Va and Imam Anwar Awlaki in San Diego. The Ministry of Islamic Affairs’ deployment of thousands of Wahhabi clerics (Imams) throughout the world to support Islamic extremist movements like al Qaeda.

9/11 Jump or Burn. Most Americans watched in real time on TV the horror as the al-Qaeda terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001 left nearly 3,000 people dead at the twin towers in lower Manhattan, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and an open field in Shanksville, PA. On the morning of 11 September 2001, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger planes in the United States. Two planes were flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, causing both towers to collapse.

A third plane was crashed into the Pentagon, just outside Washington, DC. The fourth plane crashed in rural Pennsylvania after the crew and passengers attacked the terrorists on board, preventing it from hitting another target thought to be the Capitol. The 9/11 attack was coordinated with timing related to when Congress would be back in session at the Capitol after summer break. There also appeared to be an assassination attempt early on Tuesday morn Sept 11 on Pres George Bush at the Colony Resort on Longboat Key Fl. 

Two 9/11 hijackers on Longboat Key Sarasota Fl September 7th, 2001? By Shay Sullivan, City Editor, Wednesday, November 21, 2001. If three eyewitnesses are correct, terrorist hijacker Mohamed Atta came to the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites-Longboat Key Sept. 7, 2001 — the day the media announced President George W. Bush would be coming to the area Sept. 11 to speak at a Sarasota school. Atta may have been there to meet a second hijacker, Marwan Al-Shehhi. Local authorities became aware of the incident when Longboat Key resident Milton Stein told them of a strange conversation he had with a Holiday Inn bartender, Darlene Sievers. Stein said when he sat down at the bar, Sievers told him he was sitting in the same seat Atta had used. The bartender then went on to help other customers and Stein could not question her further about what she meant. After getting the report, police asked Sievers to what she was referring. Sievers told police Atta came to the bar and ordered a rum and Coke. She said she remembered his face because of the sizeable tip he left her. Atta gave her a $20 bill for a $4 drink and let her keep the change, Sievers said. Atta left the bar after another Middle Eastern man arrived, Sievers said. When the FBI released Atta’s picture Sept. 27, Sievers called the FBI and told authorities what she saw, she told Longboat Key police. Local police left the investigation at that, but a waiter at the Holiday Inn said Atta did not go far from the bar. The waiter, Frank Boyal, said Atta and his companion had the hotel’s $18.95 “Surf and Turf” buffet on Sept. 7, 2001. “They were just here. I remember the face.”

ABC NEWS, MONDAY 9/10/2001; FLORIDA TIMES-UNION (JACKSONVILLE), 9/10/2001] In preparation for the president’s visit to the Colony Resort on Longboat Key Fl, all guests have been cleared out of the building “to make way for the invasion of White House staffers, aides, communications technicians—even an anti-terrorism unit.” Overnight, snipers and surface-to-air missiles are located on the roof of the Colony Resort and adjacent structures, to protect the president. Herald Tribune reports on the activity at the Sarasota Bradenton International Airport on the morning of September 11th, 2001. Reporter Chris Anderson's sort of 'tongue in cheek report' of a suspicious man at the end of the runway as Pres. George Bush makes his super hasty retreat out of Sarasota on Air Force 1 leaves out the vital back story of the earlier assassination attempt on Pres. George Bush at the Colony Resort on Longboat Key by Arab Newsmen in a white van. This assassination attempt on Pres. George Bush at the Colony Resort on Longboat Key by Arab Newsmen happened just two days after a fake news crew of Al-Qaeda terrorists blew up Ahmad Shah Massoud leader of the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance in Afghanistan with a bomb hidden in their camera

Possible Longboat terrorist incident
The Longboat Observer
26 September 2001
by Shay Sullivan
By now, most everyone knows President George W. Bush began that fateful day, Sept. 11, on Longboat Key, but the FBI is now investigating whether terrorists also began that fateful day here on the island. At about 6 a.m. Sept. 11, Longboat Key Fire Marshall Carroll Mooneyhan was at the front desk of the Colony Beach & Tennis Resort as Bush prepared for his morning jog. From that vantage point, Mooneyhan overheard a strange exchange between a Colony receptionist and security guard. A van occupied by men of Middle Eastern descent had pulled up to the Colony stating they had a “poolside” interview with the president, Mooneyhan said. The self-proclaimed Middle Eastern reporters then asked for a Secret Service agent by name. Guards from security at the gate relayed the request to the receptionist, who had not heard of either the agent or plans for an interview, Mooneyhan said. The receptionist gave the phone over to a nearby Secret Service agent, who said the same thing: no one knew of an agent by that name or of any poolside interview. The agent told the occupants of the van to contact the president’s public relations office in Washington, D. C., and turned them away from the premises, Mooneyhan said.

In light of the attacks, Mooneyhan wonders if what he witnessed is related to the events of Sept. 11. So does the FBI. “That’s very strange,” said an unnamed agent with the Sarasota field office of the FBI, who directed agents to look into the matter. Earlier, the FBI questioned a Longboat Key man who also had a strange run-in with a van occupied by men of Middle Eastern descent. At 8:50 a.m. the man stood on the Sarasota bayfront waiting to watch the presidential motorcade pass. A dilapidated van passed him with two men of Middle Eastern descent screaming out the windows, “Down with Bush!’ and raising their fists in the air.” The Longboat Key resident later reported the incident to police, who turned the matter over to FBI agents who questioned him. Zainelabdeen Ibrahim Omer called Sarasota police on Sept. 11 at 4:07 am, see police report below, hours before Bush left town with concerns about 3 Sudaneese men in town led by “Ghandi” who had made violent threats.” Zainelabdeen Ibrahim Omer called Sarasota police on Sept. 11 at 4:07 am more than 4 1/2 hours before the first plane hit the WTC Towers.
FBI should stop hiding what happened in Sarasota before 9/11.

SARASOTA FL: Phone records documented communication, dating back more than a year, 2000 to 2001, that connected Saudi Esam Ghazzawi’s daughter Anoud and son-in-law Abdulaziz al-Hijji aka "Azziz" then living in a house in Prestancia near Sarasota, Florida, with the alleged plot leader, Mohamed Atta, and his hijack pilot pal as well as to eleven of the other hijackers. In addition, records from the guard house at the gated community tied Atta’s vehicle and his accomplice Ziad Jarrah to actual visits to the Prestacia house. I have been very vocal over the years concerning a support network for 9/11 pilots Mohamed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah in Sarasota Fl from July 2000 to January 2001 and then again at other times prior to Sept 11, 2001. If the 9/11 attack had been completed as planned by Osama bin Laden and KSM, the towers would be demolished, the Pentagon would have been burned to the ground, the Capitol building would have been demolished with Congress in session, and Pres George Bush would have been assassinated in Sarasota Fl.  

Sarasota's Essam Ghazzawi served as director of Eirad Management Company, the UK division of Eirad Trading and Contracting Co. Ltd., which among other things holds the Saudi franchise for many multinational brands, including UPS. Esam Ghazzawi and brother Mamdouh Ghazzawi, whose name shows up on public records associated with family properties in the US, was the executive managing director of the parent firm, Eirad Holding Co. Ltd. The chairman of Eirad Holding Co. Ltd. Prince Sultan bin Fahd bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud was brothers’ Esam Ghazzawi and Mamdouh Ghazzawi boss and the father to Prince Salman bin Sultan bin Fahd al Saud who was living in Sarasota Fl. Prince Sultan bin Faud is a prominent member of the ruling Saudi royal family. He is a great-grandson of King Abdul Aziz commonly referred to as Ibn Saud, founder of modern Saudi Arabia, and grandson of the current king. According to a senior counterterrorism officer, both Esam Ghazzawi and his son-in-law al-Hiijjii had been on a watch list at the FBI predating 9/11. ICE a U.S. agency tracking terror funds had also taken an interest in them. “464 was Ghazzawi’s number,” the officer said. “I don’t remember the other man’s number.” 

On September 13, 2001 Saudi royal flys from Tampa to Lexington KY. Tampa police officers were providing security to three young Saudi nationals at an apartment in Tampa, Florida. One of the three was Prince Sultan Fahad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, whose father, Prince Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, was in Lexington, Kentucky, attending a horse auction. The Tampa Police Department was in contact with the Lexington Police Department about this security because the elder Prince Salman was concerned about his son’s safety and had contacted the Lexington police. The link between the Ghazzawis and high ranks of the Saudi establishment reopens questions about the Bush White House’s controversial approval of multiple charter flights allowing Saudi nationals including princes to depart the US, beginning about 48 hours after the attacks, without the passengers being interviewed by law enforcement. This was after the identification of the majority of the 19 hijackers as Saudis.

Prince Salman bin Sultan bin Fahd al Saud was a young royal living in Sarasota Florida, and studying at the University of Tampa’s American Language Academy. In the year 2000 'Faud' would have been 24. His pal Abdulaziz al-Hijji aka "Azziz" in Sarasota was 27 and his brother in law Adel Ghazzawi then age 30 were contemporaries of 9/11 Hijack Pilots Ziad Jarrah then age 25, Marwan Al-Shehhi then age 22, and Monamed Atta then age 32 who all appear to have visited al-Hijji's house in Prestancia Sarasota Fl. Prince Salman bin Sultan bin Faud Al Saud born on 2 February 1976 is the former assistant secretary general of the Saudi Arabian National Security Council for intelligence and security affairs as well as the former deputy defense minister. He is a member of House of Saud. Salman bin Sultan bin Faud began his career as a lieutenant in the Saudi royal air defense force, he was a pilot. MSNBS REPORTS March 14th, 2012: On the day of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, 9/11/2001, there were two members of the Saudi Royal family on American soil. One, Prince Ahmed bin Salman, a media baron with vast wealth and a passion for racing expensive horses, was in Lexington Kentucky for the annual sale of thoroughbred yearlings. The second, Prince Salman bin Sultan bin Fahd al Saud, was a 22-year-old royal living in Sarasota, Florida, and studying at the University of Tampa’s American Language Academy. Abdulaziz al-Hijji aka "Azziz" was also taking classes at the University of Tampa. Both men, MSNBC reports, were later found to have troubling connections to the men who hijacked four planes on September 11, 2001. Al-Qaida had allegedly been in contact with Prince Ahmed before the attacks, according to statements made by one of Osama bin Ladin's top aides, Abu Zubaydah, MSNBC reported. Prince Sultan, meanwhile, had links to Esam Ghazzawi -- a top adviser to his father Prince Fahd. Essam Ghazzawi owned a home in Prestancia Sarasota that was visited several times by Mohamad Atta, the leader of the September 11 hijackers, and his group. On the day of the attacks, Prince Sultan was in Sarasota. He received a call from his uncle who told him to make it to Lexington as soon as they could so they could leave the country amid mounting anti-Saudi sentiment. A former Florida police officer and a former FBI agent were hired to provide protection for the young royal and his colleagues.

Where were al-Qaeda operatives Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi in Sarasota on the day the USS Cole was attacked in Yemen by other al-Qaeda operatives, Thursday Oct 12th, 2000 at 11:18 am? 9/11 hijack pilots Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi were in the Sahara Cafe on the Tamiami Trl in Sarasota celebrating the murder of 17 U.S. Navy sailors and 37 severely injured U.S. Navy sailors on the USS Cole, knowing full well that they had bigger plans for America on 9/11. Columbus Day was originally observed every October 12th, but was changed to the second Monday in October beginning in 1971. Did Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi meet with Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat on Oct 12th, 2000 at the Sahara Cafe? Muneer Arafat's roommate on Oct 12th, 2000 was the head cook at the Sahara Cafe. FBI Agent tells me 'There Ain't No Coincidences in Terrorism'.

USS Cole Attacked on October 12th, 2000 in Yemen: On Thursday October 12th, 2000 Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi are at Sahara Cafe 1121 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota Fl where they meet someone. Atta and al-Shehhi use SunTrust Visa card 4011-8008-4050-7778 to pay the tab of $23.43 for their food and drinks, as seen above in FBI 9/11 hijackers timeline. Apparently the use of the Mohamed Atta - Marwan al-Shehhi credit card at the Sahara Cafe is a mistake by the hijackers and draws attention to the cafe. On Oct 12th, 2000 Khalid Suliman the roommate of al-Qaeda linked Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat is/was the main cook at the Sahara Cafe. "Sahara Cafe serving Sarasota fresh & delicious Mediterranean food since 1998, incorporated in 2002". In Oct 2000 Imam Muneer Arafat was listed at a condo complex called Bella Villino 4130 Central Sarasota Parkway Sarasota Fl, so was Sahara Cafe cook Khalid Suliman. Possibly Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat and Abdulaziz al-Hijji met Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi on Thursday Oct 12th, 2000 at the Sahara Cafe. This is the only instance where Atta and al-Shehhi use their Suntrust credit card at the Sahara Cafe in Sarasota Fl, this does not discount the use of cash for other meetings or other meetings paid for by Abdulaziz al-Hijji. FBI Agent tells me 'There Ain't No Coincidences in Terrorism'.

On Thursday Oct 12th, 2000 the same day al-Qaeda terrorists Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi show up at the Sahara Cafe in Sarasota, the USS Cole is attacked by al-Qaeda suicide terrorists at 11:18 am EST in the port of Aden Yemen. Seventeen U.S. Navy sailors were killed and thirty-seven injured. The Sahara Cafe is open from 12 noon to 2:00 am daily, Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi would have been in the Sahara Cafe after the USS Cole was the target of a suicide bombing at 11:18 am EST on Oct 12th 2000. Thursday Oct 12th, 2000 is now a day of celebration for al-Qaeda terrorists and many radical Muslims. Most likely al-Qaeda terrorists Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi had foreknowledge of the USS Cole attack on Thursday Oct 12th, 2000. In Jan 2000 the CIA failed to put one of the 9/11 hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar on a watch list, he had been filmed at a meeting in Kuala Lumpur to plot the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen on Oct 12th, 2000. FBI Agent tells me 'There Ain't No Coincidences in Terrorism'.

Wahhabi Imams: The not so holy Imams linked to 9/11 hijackers, Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, Imam Omar Mohamed, Imam Muneer Arafat, Imam Fahad al Thumairy, and Imam Osama Bassman. The Saudi Arabia Ministry of Islamic Affairs Funded and Built at least 320 Mosques in America in conjunction with the North American Islamic Trust and it's parent company the Islamic Society of North North America with cash from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and also funded the 9/11 Hijackers. The Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center was identified in the 9-11 Commission Report as the mosque frequented by several of the 9-11 hijackers. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, a Dar Al Hijrah, member who is serving a life sentence in a federal prison for nine counts of terrorism including a plot to assassinate President George W. Bush, kill members of Congress and bomb restaurants, nightclubs and other public places across America. Ali Al Timimi, a Muslim cleric of Fairfax, Va., who was convicted in April, 2005, and is serving a life sentence in a federal prison for counseling others to wage war against the United States and use firearms and explosives in furtherance of violent crimes. While in San Diego, Anwar Awlaki assumed the role of imam at a local mosque, Masjid al-Ribat al-Islami. It was in that role that he reportedly came into contact with two of the future September 11 hijackers, Saudi Arabians Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar. After spending four years in San Diego, Awlaki left in 2000, eventually settling in the Washington, D.C., metro area in January 2001. He became imam at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque, located in Falls Church, Virginia. September 11 hijackers, Saudi Arabians Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar followed him to Falls Church.

Wahhabi Imams: Photo above is Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat in full on Islamic preaching gear taken Friday September 12th, 2003 at the ISSB Mosque. Jihad Preaching Imam Muneer Arafat Banned at St Louis Mosque But Welcomed in Sarasota Just Prior to 9/11 Hijackers Arrival in 2000. Before moving to Sarasota Fl in early 2000, Imam Muneer Arafat was the roommate of man by the name of Ziyad Sadaqa aka Ziyad Khaleel who was an al-Qaeda procurement agent working for Osama bin-Laden. "According to a FDLE report of December 8, 2003 given by Sarasota FBI agent Thomas Baugher, The source (CI) spoke about Muneer ARAFAT as the Imam of the local Sarasota Mosque and that Muneer ARAFAT was a member of the Kuwaiti Islamic Brotherhood in Kuwait during the same time frame as 9/11 head of operations KSM. Islamic Society of Sarasota and Bradenton Mosque is located at 4350 N. Lockwood Ridge Road in Sarasota, Florida, construction of new grand Mosque was completed with Grand Opening September 11th, 2011. Muneer Arafat was the Imam from 2000 to 2003 at the ISSB Mosque in Sarasota Fl. "Muneer Arafat follows a radical belief and teachings of radical Saudi Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdel-Aziz Bin al-Baz, and wishes harm to the United States”.

Kuwaiti BFF's Muneer Arafat and Zihad Khaleel end up as roommates in the East St Louis IL area in 1996-1997 and then again in 1999. Muneer Arafat, 58, left Kuwait City in 1981 when he was 18 for college in the USA, so did Ziyad Khaleel, 57, and so did KSM, 56. 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) was born in Kuwait City, he is of Pakistani parents. KSM was born on April 14, 1965 according to information provided to the Red Cross during his trial in Gitmo. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) left Kuwait City for the USA in 1983 to go to Chowan College (now Chowan University) in Murfreesboro, NC.

FBI Report Names Saudi Islamic Affairs Department and Office of Da’wa Imams like Anwar al-Awlaki in San Diego and Muneer Arafat in Sarasota as support network for 9/11 Hijackers. The 9/11 Commission Report confirms that many of the muscle hijackers were recruited through local mosques run by Imams hired and payed by the Saudi Islamic Affairs Department & Office of Da’wa. Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat was employed by Saudi Arabia Ministry of Islamic Affairs that built Mosques in America and funded the 9/11 Hijackers.

Imam Muneer Arafat was banned from preaching his Jihad by Sheikh Muhammad Nur at the Islamic Foundation Greater St Louis Gateway Mosque in 1999. Muneer Arafat was hired by ISSB Sarasota Mosque in early 2000. Motion by Attorneys for 9/11 families vs Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lawsuit, December 7th, 2021. Saudi Arabia's support of terrorism with direct involvement by Saudi government imams with the Ministry of Islamic Affairs in recruitment and fundraising activities for al Qaeda, including recruitment of certain of the 9/11 hijackers. Saudi clerics, paid by the government of the Kingdom and preaching at state funded mosques, issued fatwas that provided religious justification for al Qaeda’s terrorist actions, like like Muhammed Jaber Fakihi with the "Hamburg Cell" and Imam Muneer Arafat while he was working in St Louis. The Ministry of Islamic Affairs’ deployment of thousands of Wahhabi clerics throughout the world to support Islamic extremist movements like al Qaeda. Indeed, an astounding number of persons closely affiliated with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are alleged to have overseen, fostered, or otherwise facilitated al Qaeda’s terrorist operations, consistent with and in furtherance of the radical agenda and activities of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs itself.

The appearance of Ziyad Khaleel aka Ziyad Sadaqa in the FBI’s narrative brings the 9/11 case back once again to Florida. The reason: another of Sadaqa's former roommates was Muneer K. Arafat. Arafat was the Imam from 2000-2003 at a Sarasota-area mosque run by the Islamic Society of Sarasota and Bradenton, according to an article in the St Louis Dispatch in Jan 2003. According to a Dec. 8, 2003 Florida Department of Law Enforcement report obtained by Florida Bulldog, a source told FDLE and FBI agents, “Arafat was a member of the Islamic Brotherhood, who follows a radical belief…and wishes harm to the United States.” That same year, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that Arafat testified about his involvement with Ziyad Khaleel, who also went by the name Ziyad Sadaqa, before a Federal grand jury in December 2002. Muneer Arafat was born in Kuwait of Palestinian descent, (he is not a Kuwaiti), was transported from Sarasota to St. Louis by FBI and ICE Agents to testify following his November 2002 Sarasota arrest for overstaying his visa, the St Louis Dispatch paper said (no information was in the Sarasota Herlad Tribune).

Imam Muneer Arafat was in Sarasota Fl on Sept 11th, 2001, working at the ISSB Mosque. Imam Muneer Arafat gave an interview to the Bradenton Herald on September 8th, 2002 and told the reporter, Irina Slutsky, that he/they found two bullet holes in windows of the Mosque not long after September 11th, 2001. "No one was hurt, and we don't even know exactly when it happened after 9/11", Muneer Arafat said, he was there on 9/11. 

Imam Muneer Arafat gave an interview to the Bradenton Herald newspaper on Sept 8th, 2002, with reporter Irina Slutsky he was not living in New York City in 2002 as some investigative reporters have so indicated. Imam Muneer Arafat told reporter Irina Slutsky that in the media "Muslims are still terrorists". Muneer Arafat also said in the Bradenton Herald interview, "If that act (Sept. 11) was committed by a Muslim, then he is not a true Muslim," WTF?

Few Floridians know the history behind the Islamic Society of Sarasota and Bradenton (new) mosque located at 4350 N. Lockwood Ridge Road in Sarasota, Florida construction completed for the Grand Opening on September 11th, 2011 where Muneer Arafat was the Imam or Holy Man from 2000 to late 2003. On September 11th, 2011 there were thousands of 9/11 memorial and remembrance event. None was more powerful than those held in Sarasota, Florida where Mohamed Atta and two of his terrorist cohorts learned to fly planes and then into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Shiraz Hassan the Mosque president said in 2017 via the Herald Tribune that 20 years ago (1997) only a few Muslims lived in the region. Some of them worshiped in a small home (Florida shotgun shack) on the Lockwood Ridge property where the multi million dollar mosque now sits (who paid for it?). He estimates that between 300 to 400 families now attend services at the mosque the only one within a 50-mile radius at some time during the year. Local Muslims raised $2.6 million (Est Value $3.2 million) to build the 11,350-square-foot mosque in place of the shotgun shack home where they used to gather and finished construction in Sept 2011 as per Sarasota County Property appraiser records. But who really paid for the Mosque? The Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs’ pays for the construction of Mosques around the world, did they in Sarasota? The Sarasota Mosque building is impressive, with a huge courtyard, men and women’s prayer places, a big kitchen and small rooms for meetings and education.

The Saudi Arabia Ministry of Islamic Affairs funded and built at least 320 Mosques in America in conjunction with the North American Islamic Trust and it's parent company the Islamic Society of North North America with cash from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, they also funded the 9/11 Hijackers. Several men linked to Jihad and al-Qaeda frequented the Sarasota Mosque in the years 1999 to 2001, including Imam Muneer Arafat. The Islamic Society of Sarasota and Bradenton mosque was built with cash donations and appears to have no mortgage in 2011. One year later in 2012 'The Missionary Board of the Brethren Church' Ashland OH held the deed for the $3.2 million dollar Islamic Society of Sarasota and Bradenton (new) mosque completed on Sept 11th, 2011 at 4350 N. Lockwood Ridge Road Sarasota, Florida. In 2016 the deed for the $3.2 million dollar ISSB Mosque was transferred to a local couple in Sarasota Fl. They all appears to have been "straw owners". The current deed holder owner/trustee to the ISSB Mosque is/was a woman living in Gerogia who died 3 years ago. 


Copyright Protection: Bill Warner Investigations Sarasota Fl Original Articles Published on This Website Using Proprietary Research

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