Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger copied the murders of Jack The Ripper aka Aaron Kosminski to a T, same kind of knife, same kind of wounds inflicted, same time in the morning 4:20am when attacks took place, same month November. Bryan Kohberger was 29 when he commited his murders in Moscow ID. Jack The Ripper aka Aaron Kosminski was 29 when he committed his murders in London. Bryan Kohberger wanted to be as famous as Jack The Ripper aka Aaron Kosminski. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger wanted to commit the perfect crime, he used a knife similar to the knife used by Jack The Ripper aka Aaron Kosminski who was never caught. Bryan Kohberger inflicted wounds almost exactly like 'Jack The Ripper' did on his victims, slitting their throats prior to abdominal mutilations and progressive facial mutilations copying the distinctive features of Jack The Ripper's modus operandi. Serial killer Jack The Ripper did not rape any of his 9 victims. Bryan Kohberger did not rape any of his victims. Jack The Ripper aka Aaron Kominski never married, as did Bryan Kohberger. Moscow Ripper aka Bryan Kohberger never known to have long term girlfriends or even a successful one time date, ie his Tinder Date Disaster.
'Jack The Ripper' is Aaron Kosminski, born Aron Mordke KozmiĆski; 11 September 1865 – 24 March 1919, he was a Polish hairdresser, and main suspect in the Jack the Ripper cases. Aaron Kosminski ended up in an asylum for the criminally insane. Aaron Kosminski was a Polish Jew who emigrated from Congress Poland to England in the 1880s. He worked as a woman's hairdresser in Whitechapel in the East End of London, where a series of murders ascribed to an unidentified person nicknamed "Jack the Ripper" were committed in 1888. Bryan Kohberger would have known all of this. Three years later in 1891, Aaron Kosminski was institutionalized in the Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum after he threatened his sister with a knife, he was living with his sister at the time. The cause of Aaron Kosminski's insanity was recorded as "self-abuse", which is thought to be a euphemism for chronic masturbation or a full time wanker. Compulsive masturbation is a type of paraphilia related disorder in which a person engages in masturbatory behavior to such an extent that it causes socio-occupational dysfunction. Bryan Kohberger appears to have a paraphilia related disorder, he is most assuredly a chronic wanker. Bryan Kohberger took surveillance photos of pretty girls Maddie Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves and stalked their Instagram accounts downloading photos of the girls in skimpy bikini's for his own gratification. Both killers, Kozminski and Kohberger, most likely had/have Erectile Dysfunction (ED) problems when in the company of women. Both Kosminski & Kohberger horrifically slashed open their victims with a large knife in carbon copy murders. This is all too coincidental to be a coincidence. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger a PhD candidate in criminology studied and researched serial killers like Jack The Ripper, he wanted to be him and there were more victims to come if Bryan Kohberger had not been arrested and held.
LONDON RIPPER; At the end of October 1888, MET CID Assistant Commissioner Robert Anderson asked police surgeon Thomas Bond to give his opinion on the extent of the murderer's (Jack The Ripper) surgical skill and knowledge. The opinion offered by Bond on the character of the "Whitechapel murderer" is the earliest surviving offender profile. Bond's assessment was based on his own examination of the most extensively mutilated victim and the post mortem notes from the four previous canonical murders. He wrote: All five murders no doubt were committed by the same hand. In the first four the throats appear to have been cut from left to right, in the last case, Mary Kelly Nov 9th 1888, owing to the extensive mutilation it is impossible to say in what direction the fatal cut was made, but arterial blood was found on the wall in splashes close to where the woman's head must have been lying, the breasts were cut off, arms were mutilated, and facial features were removed. All the circumstances surrounding the murders lead me to form the opinion that the women must have been lying down when murdered and in every case the throat was first cut, (so they could not scream). There is no evidence the perpetrator engaged in sexual activity (rape) with any of the victims, yet psychologists suppose that the penetration of the victims with a knife and "leaving them on display in sexually degrading positions with the wounds exposed" indicates that the perpetrator derived sexual pleasure from the attacks. This is exactly what Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger did to his 4 victims in Moscow ID on Sunday November 13th, 2022 at about 4:20am.
Nov 13th, 2022 University of Idaho Massacre; Bryan Kohberger grisly murders in Moscow Idaho mimics directly the tactics of the Gainesville Ripper aka Danny Rolling in the 1990's, Ted Bundy in the 1970's, and 'Jack The Ripper' in 1888 London, Kohberger studied them all. "Moscow Ripper" Bryan Kohberger wanted to commit the perfect crime and never get caught like 'Jack The Ripper'. Moscow Massacre murder suspect Bryan Kohberger studied under serial killer expert Katherine Ramsland about Ted Bundy, Danny Rolling and London's Jack The Ripper. Bryan Kohberger used a military KA-BAR killing knife in the murder of 4 college students at Univ of Idaho just like what Danny Rolling did at Univ of Florida, murdering 5 college students over four days in August 1990 with a KA-BAR knife. Ted Bundy used whatever was handy in killing 3 college students at Florida State University while thay slept when he was finally caught and jailed for good. The KA-BAR knife was actually meant to tear apart bone, ligaments, organs, a real killing knife. So this is a extremely brutal crime and something that you would never expect a person to walk in and want to commit unless they took some pleasure out of the brutality of it, there is more.
MOSCOW IDAHO VICTIMS NOT RAPED; Criminologist PhD Candidate Bryan Kohberger studied serial killers and serial rapists. Bryan Kohberger never married or had long term girlfriends, apparently he had few if any sexual relations with women. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger (BK) modus operandi (M.O.) in actuality does not exactly match serial killers Ted Bundy or the Gainesville Ripper Danny Rolling. Ted Bundy and Danny Rolling did target female college students as did Bryan Kohbeger, but their killing M.O. is not a match for Bryan Kohberger. Rape was a motivation for serial killers Ted Bundy and Danny Rolling but not Bryan Kohberger or serial killer Jack The Ripper aka Aaron Kosminski. Ted Bundy and Danny Rolling tied up, raped, murdered, cutting off heads and posed the bodies of their victims in sexually provocative positions. Serial killer Ted Bundy and the Gainesville Ripper Danny Rolling in several cases raped the corpses of their victims. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger (BK) did none of that, Kohberger had no sexual contact with his victims even though he had the opportunity. Gainesville Ripper Danny Rolling did use a KA-BAR military killing knife as did Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger (BK). Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger (BK) killing modus operandi (M.O.) is a dead on match for London's Jack The Ripper aka Aaron Kosminski who did not rape any of his victims, but did viciously and horrifically cut up his victims with a razor sharp, large, fixed blade knife while they were asleep. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger (BK) copied the M.O. of Jack The Ripper aka Aaron Kosminski . Jack The Ripper and Bryan Kohberger most likely had/have Erectile Dysfunction (ED) problems when in the company of women and that results in rage but no rapes. Jack The Ripper aka Aaron Kosminski and Bryan Kohberger never married or had long term relationships with women.
Ph.D candidate Bryan Kohberger studied serial killers like Ted Bundy, Danny Rolling and Jack The Ripper under Dr. Katherine Ramsland, director of the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice program at DeSales University. Dr. Katherine Ramsland published The 'Ripper Letter', a supernatural thriller based on serial killer 'Jack the Ripper' lore. The letter, written in a boastful tone, was addressed to "The Boss, Central News Office, London, City, he mentions cutting off his victims ears." See exert from the Ripper Letter below;
September 27th, 1888, DEAR BOSS; Red ink is fit enough I hope ha ha. Grand work the last job was. I gave the lady no time to squeal (while she slept). The next job I do I shall clip the ladys ears off and send to the police officers just for jolly wouldn't you. Keep this letter back till I do a bit more work, then give it out straight. My knife's so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance.
Good Luck.
Yours truly
Jack the Ripper
phtoto credit of Aaron Kosminski provided by Glen Minikin Daily Mail. COPYCAT MURDERS OF TED BUNDY AND JACK THE RIPPER. On November 13th, at 11:58 a.m., officers responded to the residence after a 911 call reported an unconscious individual. Upon arrival, officers discovered Kaylee, Madison, Xana, and Ethan deceased inside the residence. Autopsies were conducted on November 17th. The Latah County Coroner confirmed the identity of the four murdered individuals and their cause and manner of death as homicide by stabbing. The coroner stated that the four victims were likely asleep, some had defensive wounds, and each was stabbed multiple times. There was no sign of sexual assault. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger's criminology Phd thesis was a capstone project about script theory, which in criminology, is a theory on how and why criminals like serial killers Ted Bundy and Jack The Ripper do what they do. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger wanted to commit the perfect crime, he used a knife similar to the knife used by Jack The Ripper who was never caught.
Four College Students Stabbed Sunday November 13th, 2022 at about 4:20am. Steve Goncalves, the father of slain University of Idaho student Kaylee Goncalves stated that the victims had "big open gouges" that were clearly the work of a "sadistic male". I don't think stabs is the right word, it was like tears, like this was a strong weapon, not like a stab, claimed coroner, Cathy Mabbutt. "She said these were big open gouges. She said it was quick. These weren't something where you were going to be able to call 911 and survive. Bryan Kohberger hunted and stalked Kaylee Goncalves said dad Steve Goncalves. Kohberger had a small telephoto lens attached to his IPhone to get pics and videos of the girls. Kohberger got the telephoto lens for his IPhone at Amazon, same place he got the KA-BAR killing knife.
COPYCAT MURDERS. I have discovered that the wounds sustained by college student Kaylee Goncalves and the 3 other victims inflicted by Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger in November 2022 are exactly the kinds of wounds suffered by victims of 'Jack The Ripper' in November 1888. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger had morphed into his true persona of 'Jack The Ripper', both killed hapless victims in their sleep with a big, razor sharp knife. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger was a PhD candidate in criminology, he studied and researched serial killers like Ted Bundy and 'Jack The Ripper' on how and why they killed.
US Sun News Dec 21, 2022 and Nov 27, 2022. 'TWO OF A KIND', Idaho university ‘killer’ Bryan Kohberger likened to Ted Bundy for ‘following sick serial killer’s playbook,’ says Private Eye Bill Warner in Sarasota Fl. "As far as I can ascertain, there is no link to any boyfriend of the three girl college students," said Bill Warner on Nov 27th, 2022. "Cops have ruled out all male acquaintances." He added: "Appears to be a stalker targeted one of the girls, most likely Kaylee Goncalves, she was the actual target." Initialy on Dec 21st, 2022, I strongly felt thet Bryan Kohberger was a dead on balls copy cat of serial killer Ted Bundy's murderous rampage in the 1970's which I relayed in two exclusive interviews with the US Sun. It wasn't until I got more detailed information about the type of wounds inflicted by Bryan Kohberger on the 4 Univ of Idaho college students and that none were raped (Ted Bundy's M.O.) that I was able to determine that Kohberger was actually following in the steps of Jack The Ripper from 1888.
Latah County Coroner Mabbott described the wounds to the 4 victims as “open gouges.” “I’ve been a coroner for 16 years... we have had multiple [victim] murders in the past, but nothing, nothing like this,” she said of the wounds. Jack the Ripper and Bryan Kohberger did not rape their victims like Ted Bundy and most other serial killers, this is significant. Steven Goncalves said his daughter Kaylee's injuries "definitely did not match" Madison Mogen's wounds. "They may have individually died from the exact same thing, being stabbed, but there are more details," he added. "They're not even close to matching." The knife slashed open Kaylee Goncalves' liver and lungs, Steven Goncalves said (Ripper's M.O.). His daughter Kaylee and Madison Mogen were ambushed in their sleep (Ripper's M.O.) and found in the same bed pushed against the wall, according to the coroner, they were not raped. The excessive injuries sustained by Kaylee Goncalves, one of the four murdered University of Idaho students, suggests she was the killer's target, a former FBI profiler told Newsweek.
COPYCAT MURDERS. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger hunted and stalked Kaylee Goncalves: said dad Steve Goncalves: We know the autopsy. We know the means of what is officially how she died. … she (Kaylee Goncalves) was assaulted and stabbed. Mom Kristi Goncalves: Several, several times … her death certificate (Kaylee Goncalves) is the ugliest, disgusting-est piece of paper that you will ever see in your life. Kristi and Steve spoke to Coroner Cathy Mabbutt before the gag order was issued, and they say she told them how the two friends were positioned in the bed. Mom Kristi Goncalves: The bed was up against the wall. The headboard was touching the wall and the left side of the bed was touching the wall. And we believe that Maddie was on the outside and Kaylee was on the inside. According to Coroner Cathy Mabbutt, the killer's first victim was Maddie, says Steve Goncalves. Dad Steve says the coroner told him the killer's rampage started on the third floor where both Maddie and Kaylee had their bedrooms, Kohberger did not rape them. Kristi thinks he wasn't expecting to find the two friends together in the same bed (Kaylee's BR). Mom Kristi Goncalves: I do think that his (Bryan Kohberger) plan went awry. I do think that you know … he intended to kill one, our daughter Kaylee Goncalves, and killed four.
Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger hunted and stalked Kaylee Goncalves: Police previously released a probable cause affidavit used in Kohberger's arrest. It listed details regarding his cellphone pings near the 1122 King Road, where the crime occurred, as well as a DNA profile that was initially linked to his father after touch DNA was found on the KA-BAR knife sheath at the scene. Evidence released by police indicated that the knife sheath was found under Madison Mogen's body and she was sleeping in the same bed as Kaylee Goncalves when they were killed in what had been Kaylee Goncalves 3rd floor bedroom, over the kitchen. Bryan Kohberger was obsessed with beautiful Kaylee Goncalves he hunted, stalked, and DM'd her on Instagram until he knew she was leaving for good on Nov 13, 2022. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger is a sexual deviant, he derives pleasure in others pain. BK is a sexual sadist he exhibits a psychiatric disorder in which sexual pleasure is derived from inflicting pain, suffering, and/or humiliation on others.
An Instagram account that belonged to Bryan Kohberger repeatedly sent Instagram messages to one of the college students found dead, (Kaylee Goncalves), but she never returned his advances, an investigator close to the case claimed. “He slid into one of the girls’ DMs several times but she didn’t respond,” the anonymous source said. “Basically, it was just him saying, ‘Hey, how are you?’ But he did it again and again.” The message were reportedly sent in October 2022, were all rejected, Bryan was rejected. There is no doubt BK took surveillance photos of Kaylee Goncalves from her bedroom window and downloaded all of them to his desk top computer (tower version) along with all the pics of Kaylee Goncalves which he screenshot from her Instagram page. There is a camera or camcorder missing somewhere loaded with KG pics. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger was infatuated with beautiful Kaylee Goncalves, he knew she would be leaving Moscow for good on Nov 13th, 2022 so he killed her in the most horrific manner.
Step into the mind of sadistic sexual psychopath Bryan Kohberger, the 'Moscow Ripper'. Sadistic serial killer Jack the Ripper from 1888 has been reincarnated into the persona of Bryan Kohberger on Sunday November 13th, 2022 at about 4:20am. Jack The Ripper never caught, never identified, Bryan Kohberger would have emulated this fact as he planned for his perfect murder(s). Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger's murderous knife attack took place on Sunday November 13th, 2022 at about 4:20am. The bloody and horrific crime scene Bryan Kohberger left behind in Moscow ID is a mirror image of Jack the Ripper's last murder of Mary Kelly on Friday November 9th, 1888 at about 4:30am, over 134 years ago. The last known victim of Jack the Ripper in London was Mary Jane Kelly, age 25, she was horrifically stabbed in her bed that was flush against the bedroom wall so she could not escape, just like Kaylee and Maddie in Moscow ID. Criminologist PhD candidate Bryan Kohberger most assuredly researched, studied and emulated Jack the Ripper's legacy of murder and gore and Jack The Ripper was never caught, Kohberger would have liked that.
It is my theory and based on real time events that natural born killer Bryan Kohberger appears to have a paraphilia related disorder that morphed into sexual sadism. Bryan Kohberger exhibitred sexual sadism and a severe sadistic personality disorder in the sexual homicide of the 4 college student in Moscow Idaho. There is no evidence Bryan Kohberger engaged in sexual activity (rape) with any of the victims, yet psychologists suppose that the penetration of the victims with a knife and "leaving them on display in sexually degrading positions with the wounds exposed" indicates that Bryan Kohberger derived sexual pleasure from the Moscow attacks. The development of the sexually sadistic killer Bryan Kohberger; since it has been established that sexual paraphilias may develop at a young age, one can surmise that sadistic paraphilias may also develop in some adolescents. Moscow Ripper aka Bryan Kohberger never married or known to have long term girlfriends or even a successful one time date, a loner in school. Bryan Kohberger is most assuredly a chronic wanker.Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger and Jack The Ripper did not rape their hapless victims, they killed their victims in their sleep with a very large, very sharp, straight edge knife. Jack The Ripper's stabbing murders were particularly atrocious ones, due to the way he slaughtered the bodies after the killing, just like what Bryan Kohberger did in Moscow ID. A&E True Crime stories writes; Jack the Ripper didn’t target women who were prostitutes; he targeted women who were asleep as reported in the book The Five by Hallie Rubenhold. London's Jack the Ripper killed his female victims in their sleep, just like what Bryan Kohberger did in Moscow ID. Three of the Ripper's victims had a history of homelessness and slept on the street when they couldn’t afford a bed at a lodging house. The Ripper inquests found that all of the women died in reclining positions. There was no indication of rape. There was no sign that any of them had struggled before death and there were no reports of neighbors hearing women’s screams on the nights they died, very similar to the police reports about Bryan Kohberger's victims in Moscow ID, all 4 victims were found in their beds, no one heard any screams for help. Sadistic Sexual Psychopath Bryan Kohberger emulated 'Jack the Ripper'. Step into the mind of sadistic sexual psychopath, Bryan Kohberger. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger, a wanna be criminologist studied serial killers like Ted Bundy, Zodiac, Dennis Rader, Gilgo Beach Killer, Jack the Ripper, and Son of Sam while working on his PhD thesis. His capstone project was about script theory, which in criminology, is a theory on how and why criminals commit their crimes. While studying at DeSales, Kohberger posted a since-deleted call on Reddit for ex-convicts to participate in what he said was a study sanctioned by the University on how "emotions and psychological traits influence decision-making when committing a crime." Monroe County, Pa., public defender Jason LaBar told CNN in late 2022 that Kohberger was "shocked a little bit" by the accusations against him.
As a psychopath, Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger would not feel guilt or remorse for his crimes and in a way, considered them justified, just like insane Jack the Ripper. Sadistic serial killer Jack the Ripper from 1888 has been reincarnated into the person of Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger in 2022. The most notorious serial killer in all history that was never caught and grotesquely mutilated his victims with a large knife was Jack the Ripper, no contest. Jack The Ripper tore apart his 9 female victims during the fall of 1888, he didn't just kill his female victims, he dissected, decapitated and removed vital organs from his victims with a Liston razor sharp 7 inch fixed blade knife with a hard wood handle and textured grip, then vanished into the night, just like what Bryan Kohberger did in Moscow ID.
SERIAL KILLER CHARACTER TRAITS: By 1988, the first ever profile of Jack the Ripper was conducted in America by FBI profilers John Douglas and Roy Hazelwood. Taking the original police reports and medical evidence, they compiled a list of 10 character traits Jack the Ripper would have had, but they also could have been talking about Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger as he has the exact same character traits, Kohberger rings all 10 bells:
1). Jack the Ripper, local, resident male in his late 20s (Bryan Kohberger age 28, local, lived just 8 miles form his victims)
2). Jack the Ripper, probably employed as murders generally occurred on the weekends. (Bryan Kohberger full time PhD candidate and teacher his murders took place on the weekend)
3). Jack the Ripper, single, without family ties murders took place between 12:00 am and 6:00 am (Bryan Kohberger single, lived alone - no girlfriend ever- killed victims at about 4:20am)
4). Jack the Ripper, seen by family and acquaintances as a loner. (Bryan Kohberger poster boy for a loner)
5). The Ripper would be a White Male. (just like Bryan Kohberger)
6). A mental or physical disability, which made him feel different from others. (Bryan Kohberger, very heavy when young, mocked by others)
7). Solitary job, which kept him away from social encounters. (just like PhD candidate and part time teacher Bryan Kohberger)
8). Seen as quiet and timid to those who knew him, he would be perceived as a little odd. (Bryan Kohberger traits, no friends when teenager, gave people the creeps in Moscow bars, sat alone and stared.)
9). Beneath the surface would lie a deep and resentful aggression would explode during bouts of low self-esteem. (just like Bryan Kohberger)
10). He would not feel guilt or remorse for his crimes and in a way, considered them justified. (just like Bryan Kohberger on Nov 13, now he is 'shocked' by accusations against him)
I had been on Crime Stories Nancy Grace "Paralles of Evil" comparing Bryan Kohberger to serial killer Ted Bundy, unfortunately I did not dig deep enough into serial killer history and gone back to the 1880's. Bryan "The Ripper" Kohberger's murderous work on Nov 13th, 2022 is uncannily reminiscent of “Jack the Ripper's,”work in 1888. Jack the Ripper is the person behind one of the older and most notorious and bloody murder sprees in London history. Bryan Kohberger appears to me, to be a composite of two serial killers, Ted Bundy and Jack the Ripper. Bryan Kohberger must have studied Bundy and the London serial killer "Jack the Ripper" because the horrific knife wounds Bryan Kohberger inflected on his victims in 2022 are carbon copies of Jack The Ripper's work in 1888. Jack the Ripper and Bryan Kohberger did not rape their victims like Ted Bundy and most other serial killers, this is significant. Jack the Ripper and Bryan Kohberger eviscerated their victims cutting them from neck to pelvic area. Jack The Ripper may have been of respectable appearance and he possibly possessed a disarming charm like other serial killers such as Ted Bundy who was able to strike up conversations with their victims, putting them at ease and off guard. Sometimes Ted Bundy used whatever was handy or simply, slowly, strangled his female victims while he raped them, serial killer Samuel Little picked up on that trait.
Moscow Ripper Bryan
Kohberger stalked and did surveillance on his victims just like Ted
Bundy did, he was working like a private eye getting photos and video. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger dug deep into the history of serial killers to formulate his plans to commit the perfect murder. Bryan Kohberger was working on a PhD degree in Criminology. Jack the Ripper was thought to be a man of intelligence, possibly a barber with an interest in surgery. Moscow Ripper Bryan
Kohberger used a razor sharp fixed blade knife very much like the knife used by Jack the Ripper, a fixed straight edge knife made out of high-quality metal with a razor sharp edge and a blade length of 7 inches. Jack The Ripper's victims throat had been cut twice, very quickly, and the abdomen mutilated with a series of violent, jagged incisions creating a massive incision from groin to breastbone, just like what Bryan Kohberger did in Moscow ID. Kohberger and Jack The Ripper's victims were all physically overpowered, and swiftly had their throats slit, whilst making barely a sound, suggesting that the victims had been asleep. Just like what Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger must have done on Nov 13th 2022 as no one heard any screams from the victims while they were being stabbed.
The knife that Jack the Ripper used to murder 9 women in London, was a Liston knife, made out of high-quality metal with a razor sharp edge and had a typical blade length of 6 to 8 inches, it was used in amputations (also during the Civil War). The knife Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger used to murder 4 college students in Moscow ID was a KA-BAR military killing knife made out of high-quality metal with a razor sharp edge and had a typical blade length of 7 inches, it definitely could be used in amputations. The KA-BAR knife is not a civilian knife not a millennial's campers knife, it is a military killing knife nothing more or less. You can take it the bank for a fact that Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger studied Jack the Ripper, that is why he purchased the KA-BAR killing knife with the 7 inch razor sharp edge in April 2022 from Amazon, he had intent. Jack the Ripper & Bryan Kohberger used the same kind of large 7 inch fixed blade razor sharp edge knife to inflict gaping wounds. I have a KA-BAR knife, I know what it is and what it can do.
Morgue photo and Ripper letter credit MDPI. The photographic copy of “From Hell” letter postmarked 10/15/1888 from Jack the Ripper signed "Catch me when you can", sound familiar? MOSCOW, Idaho - The father of slain University of Idaho student Kaylee Goncalves told Fox News Digital that the victims had "big open gouges" that were clearly the work of a "sadistic male" and called police "cowards" for not sharing more with the public. Steven Goncalves said he asked the coroner, Cathy Mabbutt, how many times the victims were stabbed. "She says, sir, I don't think stabs is the right word, it was like tears, like this was a strong weapon, not like a stab," he told Fox News Digital. "She said these were big open gouges. She said it was quick. These weren't something where you were going to be able to call 911. They were not going to slowly bleed out," he said. Mr. Goncalves said his daughter's injuries "definitely did not match" Maddie Mogen's wounds. "They may have individually died from the exact same thing, being stabbed, but there are more details," he added. "They're not even close to matching." It appears to be implied that Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger eviscerated Kaylee through an incision made across the abdominal area. The KA-BAR knife slashed open Kaylee Goncalves' liver and lungs, Mr. Goncalves said. Kaylee Goncalves was Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger's intended target on Nov 13th, 2022, or so it appears.
NOVEMBER, NOVEMBER, NOVEMBER; As you read further in my article you will notice that Bryan Kohberger (BK) heinous actions in Moscow ID appear to be a composite of the work of two famous serial killers, Ted Bundy and Jack the Ripper. BK shows traits of a very organized serial killer and a disorganized serial killer, he studied both of them to know how to throw investigators off his trail. Serial killer Ted Bundy, DOB Sunday November 24, 1946, was 27 when he supposedly committed his first murder in 1974. Bryan Kohberger DOB Monday November 21, 1994 was 27 when he murdered 4 college students at the Moscow ID Massacre on Sunday Nov 13, 2022, he turned 28 years old eight days later. Jack the Ripper's last known murder was on Friday November 9th, 1888, he is surmised to have been about 29 years old. I'm sure all the connections to the month of November that links to the dates of the murders and to the killers date of birth and they all being in the same age group has got Astrologists sitting up and taking notice. See Astrologer Val Evans reviews the crime charts of Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger and the infamous Jack the Ripper at
Jack The Ripper focused his initial attack mostly on the throat and genital region of the female body with his Liston razor sharp knife, just like what Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger did. Although Jack the Ripper did not have sex with his victims, none raped, the attack does have strong sexual suggestions. Just like what Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger did, none of the girls were raped on Nov 13th in Moscow ID, but were cut to pieces. Perhaps Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger and The Ripper both have/had some form of Erectile Dysfunction (impotence). Bryan Kohberger prepared for his murderous actions far prior to moving to take criminology Ph.D college courses in Pullman WA. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger purchased the KA-BAR killing knife from Amazon in April of 2022 and had it shipped to his parents home in Pennsylvania were he was living at the time, that shows intent before he traveled to Pullman WA, he had a plan in play. Steven Goncalves the father of murdered Kaylee Goncalves made mention on 'Nancy Grace Crime Stores' two weeks ago of what he felt was a plan by Bryan Kohberger to kill young women before he went to Pullman WA in June 2022. Moscow Ripper Kohberger fashioned himself a superior knife to kill, just like Jack the Ripper did, I would also call that intent. SEARCH WARRANT RESULTS: Bryan Kohberger's cell phone 509-592-8458 pinged at the scene of the Nov. 13, 2022, quadruple homicide in Moscow, Idaho, just hours after the murders of four college students took place and at least 12 times prior to the massacre, according to an affidavit released. All of those visits, except for one, were in the late evening or early morning, (he was doing surveillance, those are surveillance times), according to the affidavit. "Further review indicated that the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources on November 13, 2022, that are consistent with 509-592-8458 cell phone leaving the area of the Kohberger Residence at approximately a.m. and traveling to Moscow, ID," the affidavit states. "Specifically, the 509-592-8458 phone utilized cellular resources that would provide coverage to the King Road Residence between 9:12 a.m. and 9:21 am." I would call that intent.
I have made frequent posts about Bryan Kohberger and his choice of weapon to kill the 4 college students in Moscow Idaho on Nov 13, 2022. I made mention of the purchase of the KA-BAR knife was significant, it had meaning, on Crime Stories with Nancy Grace ... We also speak with the renowned private investigator Bill Warner. Why did Moscow Ripper Kohberger choose such a weapon as the KA-BAR killing knife? The originator of the KA-BAR trademark, Union Cutlery Co, began using the name in 1923, having received a letter from a fur trapper who had used the knife to kill a wounded bear which attacked him when his rifle jammed. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger most likely studied the life of Jack the Ripper. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger used a knife very much like the knife used by Jack the Ripper, a Liston fixed straight edge knife made out of high-quality metal with a razor sharp edge and a blade length of 7 inches, just like the KA-BAR killing knife. It appears to me that after doing years of research on serial killers that Bryan Kohberger became desensitized by all the gore and took it upon himself to plan and execute murders similar to what Jack the Ripper accomplished.
Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger ditched the KA-BAR knife used to murder the 4 Univ Idaho students and his bloody clothes, gloves, and shoes on early morn drive to Thorn Creek WA on November 13th, 2022, I'm positive of that! ROAD TRIP TO NOWHERE: The KA-BAR murder weapon from the Moscow Massacre is somewhere near Thorn Creek outside of Uniontown WA where BK drove on early morn of November 13th, 2022. BK would/could have tossed the knife and all the blood soaked clothes he had been wearing during the murders in Moscow of the 4 college students, shoes included, somewhere on this 8.5 mile stretch of rural road out in the middle of nowhere. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger is regarded to be of high intelligence with his Ph.D in Criminology. So reasoning would be that he had planned an escape route after the murder of the 4 IU college students in Moscow Idaho, somewhere far away in another state. The escape route would be a means to discard and hide the murder weapon, a KA-BAR combat fighting knife, that would be covered in blood and DNA along with his bloody clothes and shoes, he had to go on the road to ditch the evidence, he wanted to commit the perfect crime.
Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger stalked Kaylee Goncalves: Bryan Kohberger's Initial Target on Nov 13 at the Idaho Univ Off Campus Murder House was Kaylee Goncalves he knew she was there and he knew she was leaving after Nov 13th he was acting like a private eye. Bryan Kohberger knew about the new car of Kaylee Goncalves, a silver 2016 Range Rover Evoque with a dark top, on Friday November 11th as she posted pics of her new car on TicTok, Instragram, and all her social media. BK was acting as his own private eye. Her new car was parked out in front of 1122 King Rd on Friday November 11th, Saturday November 12th and Sunday November 13th. I am a private eye, when doing surveillance you always use the targets car and license plate number to verify where they are. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger was stalking Kaylee Goncalves on all her social media and in person. I have previously indicated about whom the intended target would have been for accused killer, Bryan Kohberger on Nov 13, I had determined it was Kaylee Goncalves. In the very early morning (about 4:15am) of Sunday November 13, 2022, Kaylee Goncalves, 21, Madison Mogen, 21, Ethan Chapin, 20, and Xana Kernodle, 20, were fatally stabbed in their off-campus residence near the University of Idaho in their beds while they slept. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger, 28, was arrested in December 2022 and charged with four counts of first-degree murder and one count of felony burglary. The father of Kaylee Gonçalves, a victim of the King Road Homicides, alleges that there is evidence that suspect Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger was huntine and stalking his daughter and the other residents of the house prior to committing the crimes on November 13th, 2022.
Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger was acting like a private eye, he knew all the tricks of the trade, all you really need is your iPhone and a little telephoto lens attachment to obtain surveillance photos and video. In June 2022 Bryan Kohberger received a master's degree in criminal justice from DeSales University. One of his classmates at DeSales, Brittany Slaven, told The New York Times that Kohberger seemed rather interested in serial killers and developing theories on what happened at crime scenes based on photos presented in class. In April 2022, Kohberger interviewed for a job as a graduate research assistant at the Pullman, Washington, police department. Analysis of cellphone data found Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger had been near the students' home on King Road in Moscow at least 12 times in the six months before the killings, like a private eye doing surveillance. Jordan Serulneck, the owner of Seven Sirens Brewing Company claimed that Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger would often sit alone at the bar "observing and watching" other patrons and that he asked female staff and customers questions about where they lived and who they were at the bar with, like a private eye or a stalker. On May 8, 2023 Latah County investigators demanded "Amazon provide “detailed customer click activity pertaining to cameras, knives and accessories” for a redacted user between March 20 and March 30, 2022, and Nov. 1 through Dec. 6 that same year", the search warrant was viewed by the media. At the time of the murders in Nov 2022, Moscow Ripper Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger was a Ph.D student in criminology at Washington State University in Pullman, Washington, about eight miles from the Moscow, Idaho, residence where the four University of Idaho students were slain. I am a private eye and it appears to me that Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger had a "Private Eye Ph.D Degree" he knew all the tricks of the trade! By simply adding an inexpensive telephoto lens to his iPhone BK could obtain photos and video from a distance, day or knight, of Kaylee Goncalves and Maddie Mogen. NOTE A degree in criminal justice or legal studies can widen employment opportunities and increase starting salary for a private eye. Many PIs also hold backgrounds in psychology or links to law enforcement. Individuals hoping to work with criminal cases may benefit from crime scene investigation programs. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger did all of this.Kaylee Goncalves, of Rathdrum Idaho, a city close to Coeur d’Alene, was “the ultimate go-getter,” her sister, Alivea Goncalves, told NBC’s “TODAY” in an interview. She was a senior majoring in general studies in the College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences, and was in Alpha Phi sorority, Idaho university officials said. Kaylee Goncalves had recently bought a silver 2016 Range Rover Evoque from 1PRICE in Spokane Valley WA, she planned a trip to Europe for next year, and planned to move, probably to Texas, also next year, her sister said. “She had everything going for her, absolutely everything,” her sister said. “She had her job lined up. She had worked really hard for it, she just bought a new car, she had trips planned.” The silver 2016 Range Rover Evoque from 1PRICE was parked in front of 1122 King Rd by the front door on Friday Nov 11th, Saturday Nov 12th and Sunday Nov 13th, 2022. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger would have been aware of the new car, the 2016 Range Rover Evoque from 1PRICE, as he had been doing surveillance on the 1122 King Rd address for months. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger would have known where Kaylee's home town was and he would have checked to see where 1PRICE car sales was located and seen it was 20 some miles from Rathdrum Idaho, Kaylee's home town and known the car was Kaylee's. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohbergr had been working like a private investigator, tracking Kaylee and the girls on social media, taking surveillance photos of the house, the cars and the girls. I would estimate that Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger had some access to Idaho DMV records to place and identify individuals to license plates on their cars. He knew.
Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger stalked Kaylee Goncalves: See NY Post article HERE. BK was obsessed with Kaylee's beauty, both in person and through her Instagram page photos and her TicTok page which he trolled methodically. Kaylee G most likely had no idea who this dirtball BK was. Kaylee Goncalves had purchased a silver 2016 Range Rover Evoque with a dark top, on Friday Nov 11th 2022, just 2 days before her slaying on Nov 13th. The luxury SUV symbolized the promising future that had awaited Kaylee who was set to graduate in December 2022. Kaylee had recently moved out of 1122 King Rd and she was only just returning for the weekend on Friday Nov 11th to see Maddie and go to a party. Steve and Kristi Goncalves talked with "48 Hours" correspondent Peter Van Sant for "The Night of the Idaho Student Murders," streaming now on Paramount+. They say they discovered "digital evidence" they say showed a tie of Kohberger to two of the victims. In the interview with Van Sant, the Goncalves family provided screenshots of an Instagram account they believe belonged to be Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger. Those screen shots include what they say is Kohberger's Instagram profile, and a list of people he was following, including Maddie Mogen and their daughter Kaylee Goncalves. Among the new documents are search warrant applications for Kohberger's accounts on Reddit, Google and TikTok, as well as the four victims' Snapchat accounts, and additional records from AT&T.
THE TRIGGER: Bryan Kohberger stalked Kaylee Goncalves: Bryan Kohberger knew what Kaylee Goncalves new car, a silver 2016 Range Rover Evoque with a dark top looked like on Nov 11th because she posted pics on TikTok and all her social media. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger stalked Kaylee G for what appears to be months starting in August 2022. BK was obsessed with just her overall looks and her social media accounts, and the fact that they (Kaylee and Madison) were close.” NewsNation senior national correspondent Brian Entin spoke with a vape shop manager in downtown Moscow, Idaho, who says that Kaylee Goncalves’ friends implied she had a stalker during a visit to the vape shop three weeks prior to her murder. He said Kaylee Goncalves and Maddie Mogen always came into the store with a group. “You could tell they were all obviously trying to keep Kaylee safe and be there for her as good friends,” the manager said. Kaylee Goncalves apparently told him the stalker was present at night when she was going to or from bars, “either by the campus or down on Main Street.” At least 12 times Kohberger's cell phone pinged near Kaylee's location prior to Nov 13th, 2022. BK was reading the signs, with Kaylee's upcoming early graduation, her new car a new car a silver 2016 Range Rover Evoque, and out of Moscow for good in a few days.
June 22, 2024 NEW BOOK GETS IT WRONG: "Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger, 28, was targeting college senior Madison Mogen when he allegedly broke into the home on King Road in Moscow in the early hours of Nov. 13, 2022, journalist Howard Blum suggests in his new book, “When the Night Comes Falling: A Requiem for the Idaho Student Murders" WRONG. “I think Maddie was his target,” Blum told ABC News – noting the suspect supposedly bypassed two other bedroom doors and made a beeline for Mogen’s when he entered the house. WRONG. “If he was just on a killing spree, it would have been natural, instinctive, to go to one of those doors on the 2nd floor,” Blum suggested. “Instead he goes up this narrow staircase and he turns directly into Maddie’s room.” WRONG. " Journalist Howard Blum suggests in his new book that the K-BAR knife sheath was found under Maddie Mogen's body". WRONG.
Howard Blum gets it wrong in his new book, “When the Night Comes Falling: A Requiem for the Idaho Student Murders" that Bryan Kohberger was targeting Maddi Mogen. This was not the case. On Nov 13, 2022, The real deal as per Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger arrest affadivait and the Moscow Police officers on the scene, it is claimed that Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger entered the house at 1122 King Road Moscow Idaho thru the kitchen and went directly upstairs to the 3rd floor and to Kaylee Goncalves bedroom, BR #6 on the diagram above. Officers found the bodies of Kaylee Goncalves and Maddie Mogen in a single bed to the left of the door and up agasint the wall in BR #6, both females had been stabbed to death. Kaylee was on the inside of the bed agasint the wall and Maddie was on the outside of the bed. Maddie Mogen's BR #5 also on the 3rd floor was empty on Nov 13th, 2022. A KA-BAR knife sheath was was found lying next to the body of Maddie Mogen on her right side. It appears to me that Kaylee Goncalves was the target for Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger's obsession as BR #6 had been Kaylee's bedroom since BK stated stalking her months ago, he knew this.
Did Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger wash all the blood stains out of his hair from the Moscow Massacre before he laid his head on his pillow that day? During a search of Bryan Kohberger's Pullman, Washington apartment, investigators also found a pillow with reddish brown strains (blood from his hair?) on it. A dried blood stain is most difficult to remove from a pillow. Along with the pillow, investigators also seized a nitrite black glove, computer tower, possible strand of blonde hair, dust container from a vacuum and other items while searching the apartment on Dec. 30, according to court documents. They say the killer left his DNA on a "leather knife sheath" found on a bed next to Maddie Mogen. And, most hauntingly, they say a surviving roommate thought she heard crying and "saw a figure clad in black clothing and a mask." (no hat, blood in his hair).
Blood is like oil on your hand, especially when stabbing multiple victims, your hand would tend to slip on the knife handle and inflict small cuts on your hand or loose total control of the knife! Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger used a KA-BAR US Army - Marines, 7 inch fixed blade leather handle killing knife to murder the four Iowa college students. Bryan Kohberger would have had to worn protective gloves during the blitz attack that also would have given him a sure grip to keep hold of the knife. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger who faces four counts of murder and one count of burglary — recently claimed he was nowhere near the college house during the vicious killings, but was instead driving alone 40 minutes away, yeah like at Thorn Creek WA.
It would seem to a reasonable person that BK's road trip going south to Genesse Idaho and then west 8.5 miles (14 min) to Uniontown WA would be an attempt to get out of cell phone tower range/service (dead zone) so that his movements could not be tracked, but they were. This area is very isolated, rural and remote, but BK's cell phone did ping in this remote area and law enforcement did get a detailed road map of where BK went and when. The road from Genesee ID to Uniontown WA at night is not a great ride, total darkness out here. Most likely he had been here previously.
Mystery Joy Ride Had a Purpose: Did BK dump the KA-BAR combat fighting knife used to kill the 4 college students in Moscow ID in Thorn Creek on a joy ride south of the murder scene on Nov 13? Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger (BK) was picked up by a cellphone tower near the 1122 King Rd Moscow ID property at least 12 times before the murders on November 13. Cops have yet to share further details of those subsequent visits. November 13, 2022, at 2:42am: Bryan Kohberger’s 8458 cell phone was picked up by a cell tower near his home 1630 Northeast Valley Road in Pullman, Washington and then east to Moscow ID. BK went south on ID 95 after the Moscow Massacre at about 4:30 am spending at least one hour on his trip to Genessee, Idaho, them west towards Uniontown, Washington and back north into Pullman, Washington. On the Uniontown East road from Genessee Idaho to Uniontown Washington on BK's joy ride the early morn of the murder there is a large creek just outside of Uniontown WA called 'Thorn Creek' which could be where BK could had thrown the KA-BAR combat knife on Nov 13. The one hour trip could have had a purpose, the KA-BAR knife murder weapon has not been found, as of yet!
- Nov 13, 2:47pm: BK's cell phone pinged again, indicating that it had begun to travel south through Pullman. Moments later, the phone stopped pinging, indicating that it had been put on airplane mode, turned off, or dropped off the network.
- 4:00-4:20am: Maddie Mogen, Kaylee Goncalves, Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin were all knifed to death at 1122 King Road, Moscow, BK heads out of town at about 4:30am.
- 4:48am: Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger’s phone pings network again on Idaho State Highway 95, south of Moscow.
- 4:50am-5:26am: Phone pings show it traveling south on ID-95 to Genessee, Idaho, them west towards Uniontown, Washington on Uniontown East Rd over/near Thorn Creek, and back north into Pullman, Washington.
- 5:30am: Bryan Kohberger’s cell phone pings again at 1630 Northeast Valley Road, indicating that he’d arrived back home after his 1 hour joy ride, could be that the KA-BAR knife is in Thorn creek.
If I were involved in the search for the Moscow massacre murder weapon I would definitely be searching along the 8.5 mile stretch of road called Uniontown Rd (going west) that becomes Esser Rd that becomes Leon Rd that becomes Uniontown Rd East from Genesse Idaho to Uniontown Washington, especially around the Thorn Creek waterway, there is large pond there. BK would have tossed the knife and all the blood soaked clothes he had been wearing during the murders in Moscow, shoes included, somewhere on this 8.5 mile stretch of rural road out in the middle of nowhere. BK would have brought a change of clothes and shoes in his car, no way he is going back to the well-it parking lot of his apartment complex covered in blood at 5:30 am. Thorn Creek waterway is at an elevation of about 2,600 feet near Uniontown WA which has a total population of about 400 people. Why would BK drive way out here in pitch black darkness (no street lights) on a hilly, windy road in the bleak of winter on icy roads, for what conceivable purpose? BK drove to this very remote area right after the Moscow murders for a very specific reason! BK was outside Uniontown WA near Thorn Creek at about 4:50 am on Nov 13th to get rid of the evidence!
Why was Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger out in the middle of nowhere near Thorn Creek, just outside of Uniontown WA, at about 4:50 am on Nov 13th? Law Enforcement pinged BK's cell phone in this area in the early morn of Nov 13th, he was there. A better aerial map of the area around Uniontown WA shows that there is a large pond at Thorn Creek on Esser Rd aka Leon Rd, east of Uniontown WA. Just 515 feet from the split of Uniontown East Rd and Esser Rd there is a small access road off of Esser Rd to a large pond that is part of Thorn Creek Waterway, see map above. BK could have easily drove up the access rd to the large pond and dumped the murder weapon and his bloody clothes on Nov 13th, there are no homes of farms near this area. There are no street lights of any kind in the area. This area around Thorn Creek is rural and isolated.

Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger has been indicted by a grand jury over the brutal murders of four University of Idaho students last year — meaning he will have to enter a plea next week. The Latah County, Idaho, grand jury indicted the former criminology student on charges of felony burglary and four counts of first-degree murder, a Latah County district clerk confirmed Wednesday. The 28-year-old stands accused of slipping into an off-campus home in Moscow, Idaho, and killing Ethan Chapin, 20, Xana Kernodle, 20, and 21-year-olds Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves. Kohberger was arraigned in court at 9 a.m. local time Monday where he will have to enter a plea. He plead not guilty, and if that is the judge will set a date for trial, according to local station KXLY.
UPDATE March 11th, 2023 Idaho Judge seals dozens of warrants for over 60 companies in accused Moscow Massacre killer Bryan Kohberger’s case. Interesting to see warrants verify that Bryan Kohberger was taking surveillance photos of girls in their bedrooms with his I-Phone;
- A). Two warrants to Verizon (email used to send girls surveillance photos to computer from I-phone).
- B). Cloud networking company Extreme Networks Wireless (girls photos uploaded to computer and the cloud).
- C). Verizon Wireless (cell phone service- phone used to take photos of girls in bedrooms).
- D). Meta Platforms (owns Instagram, Bryan Kohberger searched girls risque photos online and downloaded all of them to his computer).
- E). Apple (Apple I-Phone used to take photos of girls).
- F). Kohberger Insta account he followed all three female victims — Maddie, Xana, and Kaylee — on Instagram.
There were several Instagram accounts posing as Kohberger’s, but according to People the real one has already been deleted — as is often the case with murder suspects. But before it was taken down, the mag confirmed he followed all three girls. There is no doubt BK took surveillance photos of KG from her bedroom window and downloaded all of them to his desk top computer (tower version) along with all the pics of KG which he screenshot from her Instagram page. There is a camera of camcorder missing somewhere loaded with KG pics. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger was infatuated with beautiful Kaylee G. His phone pinged in the coverage area of the student house “on at least twelve occasions prior to November 13, 2022. All of these occasions, except for one, occurred in the late evening and early morning hours of their respective days.” He was getting surveillance photos and/or video.
I figured BK for a MacBook Pro laptop for his stalker pics but the perv went old school. BK told a childhood friend that he wanted to study “high-profile” criminals, like Ted Bundy. “I feel like an organic sack of meat with no self-worth,” he allegedly wrote on Tapatalk, a mental health forum, at age 16 in 2011. Dirtbag stalker Bryan Kohberger took telephoto pics or videos of the girls at 1122 King Rd Moscow Idaho through the kitchen slider, Kaylee's MBR glass slider and Maddie's BR slider and windows. Phone records dating back to June 2022 also revealed that Moscow Ripper Kohberger could have stalked (he did) the victims before the murder. His phone pinged in the coverage area of the student house on at least twelve (12) occasions prior to November 13, 2022. Mostly you would spend 2 to 3 hours of surveillance each time you was there, that's how it works getting surveillance photos. All of these occasions, except for one, occurred in the late evening and early morning hours of their respective days, the exact time of day you would do surveillance on a location. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger would be termed by FBI BAU profilers as a very organized offender, serial killer, who scripted and planned every aspect of the murders. BK most likely thinking through, visualizing the best entry method, and fastest method of escape. BK was obviously surveilling the girls, I pointed out this fact back on Nov 24th. These murders were premeditated. BK shows traits of a very Organized Serial Killer and a Disorganized Serial Killer, he studied both of them.
As per Nancy Grace crime stories on Fox Nation last night, Jan 11th, from 1122 King Rd Moscow Idaho, she was aghast has how close she could get to the rear of the house at 1122 King Rd, the location of the murder of the 4 college student and take video. Nancy Grace took a video with her phone and was shocked how she could look right into the girls BR, so was Bryan Kohberger. I'm sure BK had a field day with this access. I have said and I was adamant from Nov 24th that Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger was getting surveillance photos and or video of the girls at 1122 King Rd Moscow. BK has made statement in the past as to why he was in Moscow so much, he replied "because the shopping is so much better" yeah girls. FOX NEWS: Idaho murders Jan 11 2023: Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger search warrants sealed to prevent 'serious and imminent threat,' court docs The search warrants are expected to contain new evidence collected in the quadruple murder case of four University of Idaho students. Photographs show officers exiting with boxes and bags of evidence as well as his desktop computer.
Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger Ph.D book smart but street dumb. Why didn't psycho Bryan Kohberger kill eyeball witness Dylan Mortensen aka D.M. when he walked right past her, face to face, on 2nd floor foyer (with knife in hand) on his way out the back door slider in the kitchen? Dylan Mortensen, D.M., went back into her bedroom on the 2nd floor at about 4:25 am after seeing Bryan Kohberger in the house and apparently she fell back to sleep with 4 dead bodies surrounding her and the bodies of Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Ethan Chapin, and Xana Kernodle immediately going into "decomp" and then "rigor".
D.M. did not call 9-1-1 and the police until almost noon on November 13th, 2022 almost 8 hours after the murders, something is way wrong here! Dylan Mortensen victim, witness and something else. In a probable cause affidavit released on Thursday, Jan 5th, an investigator with the Moscow Police Department explained an interview he conducted with the victims' roommates, identified as D.M. and known widely as Dylan Mortensen. Footage from Washington State University showed Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger's white Elantra leaving the campus in the direction of Moscow, Idaho just before 3 a.m. on the morning of the murders, Nov 13, 2022. The white Elantra returned to WSU campus at around 5:25 a.m. the same morning.
Xana Kernodle got a DoorDash order at the house at about 4 a.m., according to the affidavit. One of the surviving roommates Dylan Mortensen said she woke up around 4 a.m. from what sounded like Kaylee Goncalves playing with her dog, according to the affidavit. "A short time" after, the roommate said "she heard someone she thought was Goncalves say something to the effect of 'there's someone here,'" the documents said. But that could have been Kernodle on her phone because records showed she was on TikTok at about 4:12 a.m., the affidavit said. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger would have been in the house at this time. Kohberger shows traits of a very Organized Serial Killer and a Disorganized Serial Killer, he studied both of them.
In the interview, Dylan Mortensen explained that she was awoken at around 4 a.m. local time on November 13 to what sounded like Kaylee Goncalves playing with her dog upstairs. "A short time later, Dylan Mortensen said she heard who she thought was Goncalves say something to the effect of 'there's someone here," (Bryan K was stabbing her and Madison they were first kill) the affidavit said. " Dylan Mortensen stated she looked out of her bedroom but did not see anything when she heard the comment about someone being in the house. Dylan Mortensen stated she opened her door a second time when she heard what she thought was crying coming from [Xana] Kernodle's room. Dylan Mortensen then said she heard a male voice say something to the effect of 'it's OK, I'm going to help you," the affidavit said. According to the affidavit, the roommate also told police that she opened her bedroom door for a third time after hearing crying from another room (Bryan K was stabbing Xana and Ethan) and noticed a "figure clad in black clothing and a mask that covered the person's mouth and nose walking towards her (from Xana's room on the 2nd floor). The male walked past Dylan Mortensen as she stood in a 'frozen shock phase.' The male walked towards the back sliding glass door and out of the house. Dylan Mortensen locked herself in her room after seeing the male," the affidavit said. "This leads investigators to believe that the murderer, left the murder scene at about 4:20 am." And D.M. did not call 9-1-1, WTH? “If she was so scared, and she locked her door and stayed in the room, and was frozen like she told investigators, then why didn’t someone call 911 for 8 hours?
The KA-BAR combat fighting knife is a curious choice of weapon for the 'copy cat killer' Bryan K. You need to wear something like leather protection gloves when using the KA-BAR knife in a fight, in the dark, with multiple victims so as not to cut your free hand. Also you would need gloves on the stabbing hand to keep a firm grip on the leather handle of the KA-BAR combat fighting knife with the excess amount of blood as indicated in all reports. You need some training and skills to be proficient with this knife in a fight to the death. KA-BAR combat fighting knife is manufactured in Olean NY and has been since 1042, the knife is made for the Marines, Navy and US Army, mostly used by special forces now. In high school Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger claimed he wanted to be US Army Ranger, special forces. The KA-BAR can be purchased on Amazon see link HERE, maybe law enforcement should check BK's Prime account for a delivery.
JAN 4th, 2022 UPDATE MOTIVE: The King Rd homicides of 4 Idaho Univ college students took place at about 4:20 a.m. on November 13, 2022 at 1122 King Rd Moscow Idaho, all 4 victims were found in their beds. Why the attack on the college students on November 13, why early in the morning? Why inside the house and why in their bedrooms. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger is/was a grad student at Washington State Univ getting his Ph.D in criminal justice and criminology. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger studied mass killers and serial killers, why they did it, when they did it, like Jack The Ripper. Dates and times of mass murders and when the serial killer strikes would be important to Bryan Kohberger, he wold have studied the following two notorious cases. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger wanted to be famous. BK shows traits of a very Organized Serial Killer and a Disorganized Serial Killer, he studied both of them, used both tactics to throw off the cops investigating the murders.
Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger, DOB 11/21/1994, was the stalker Kaylee Goncalves was worried about before the horrific murders on November 13 2022. Stalkers Who Are they and Why They Won't Give Up. Psycho killer Bryan Kohberger stalked the 4 college students, especially Kaylee Goncalves, for months doing surveillance and obtaining photos and video from behind their house on King Rd before the attack on Nov 13th. Tactics he learned in his courses in criminal justice and criminology. Murder suspect Bryan Kohberger fascinated with the criminal mind, 'creepy' to women at bar'. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger calls himself the Creeper! "Many serial killers began as lust stalkers", very fine line that can be crossed. Psycho killer Bryan Kohberger, Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Ethan Chapin, and Xana Kernodle cell phones all pinged in the exact same location several times before the horrific murder on Nov 13th, Bryan was watching them from behind their house, up on Queen Rd. BK shows traits of a very Organized Serial Killer and a Disorganized Serial Killer, he studied both of them.
Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger accused of the horrific slayings of four University of Idaho students was allegedly stalking them in the weeks leading up to the murders and wore gloves in public places after the killings. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger the prime suspect was stalking his victims ahead of the murders - with their cell phone locations matching up on several occasions.' Not sure if they ever interacted - but his cell phone pings followed their every move for weeks.' Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger was a 'lust stalker' which is a serial predator who stalks victim after victim. Bryan's target appears to have been Kaylee Goncalves. Serial rapists and murderers may begin as lust stalkers, for example Ted Bundy began as a lust stalker.
Stalker Bryan Kohberger would have parked on Queen Rd up behind 1122 King Rd to watch the girls. As a private investigator who has done a lot of surveillance, if I had the case to watch this house and it's occupants, that's where I would be. Rear of house wide open to parking lot behind tree line. BK would have made entry to the house through the open slider at the kitchen. The location of the house at 1122 King Rd in Moscow were the college students lived is in somewhat of a confusing series of narrow dead end streets. There is only one way to get to 1122 King Rd and it's driveway is physically on Queen Rd, see photo. Kaylee Goncalves had injuries that were "significantly more brutal" than her best friend who was killed in the same room signifying that Kaylee was possibly the target.
Retired FBI special agent John MacVeigh said it is likely crime scene technicians had to first separate out the victims' and other people's DNA from the killer’s – which was a huge undertaking. Police ran the unknown DNA through the national CODIS DNA database but came up empty because Kohberger had no criminal history. That’s when sources say police had genetic genealogists upload the samples to a public database such as Family Tree DNA, looking for matching relatives. Genealogists then built a family tree using birth and death records, census records and other hints until they had a whole tree of that extended family going back generations. At that point, they move downward from great, great-parents to living people looking to see who is the right age, lives in the area, and could be a possible suspect. Sources said they narrowed the possible suspects down to Kohberger, and police determined he drove a white Elantra like that seen near the crime scene. That’s when the FBI started tracking him and apparently collected some discarded item with Kohberger's DNA on it which police say they’ve positively matched to the crime scene. That’s their clincher evidence — the genealogy is just the amazing tool that got them there.STALKER BRYAN KOHBERGER IN PHOTO, LOCATION WHERE HE COULD WATCH THE HOUSE AND GIRLS, THIS IS WHAT STALKERS DO. Backyard of 1133 King Rd was wide open for a stalker who could watch from Queen Rd. Bryan Kohbeger was stalking the girls his phone pinged in same locations they were in several times. Photo above from Instagram page Kaylee Goncalves and Maddie Mogan, shows a location where Bryan Kohberger could watch and stalk the girls, simulation only. Location on Queen Rd where stalker would/could watch during girls photo shoot in backyard of 1122 King Rd Moscow Idaho. Moscow cops were looking for a white 2011 - 2013 Elantra that in the end a 2015 Elantra belonged to Bryan Kohberger. Steve Goncalves, the father of 21-year-old Kaylee Goncalves, said earlier this week that County Coroner Mabbott described the wounds to the victims as “open gouges.” “I’ve been a coroner for 16 years... we have had multiple [victim] murders in the past, but nothing, nothing like this,” she said of the wounds. Kaylee Goncalves’ father Steve Goncalves claimed that the vicious degree of the victims’ stab wounds indicated the perpetrator was a male. See FBI BAU profile of a 'Organized Serial Killer' below, that profile fits exactly to what is known about the 1122 King Rd crime scene and now, Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger! BK shows traits of a very Organized Serial Killer and a Disorganized Serial Killer, he studied both of them.
Copycat killer murders Idaho University students ‘is following in Ted
Bundy’s and Jack The Ripper's footsteps says
Sarasota PI Bill Warner,
these murders appears to done by a power/control serial killer just
like what Ted Bundy and Jack The Ripper were, see link for the Sun News Story CLICK HERE. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger Arrested in Pocono Mountains for Murder of 4 Idaho College Students In November. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger, 28, was arrested Friday in Albrightsville, PA in connection with the Moscow, Idaho college murders, he fits the BAU profile of a 'Organized Serial Killer'. He was taken into custody early Friday at a home in the Indian Mountain Lakes development in Chestnuthill Township, Monroe County. BK shows traits of a very Organized Serial Killer and a Disorganized Serial Killer, he studied both of them.
KOHBERGER TAUGHT BY SERIAL KILLER EXPERT: While attending DeSales Univ, Kohberger was a student of forensic psychology Professor Katherine Ramsland, a known expert in serial killers who has written several books. She has also appeared in over 200 crime documentaries and worked with BTK serial killer Dennis Rader on his autobiography. Ramsland confirmed to that Kohberger was a former student of hers but said she could not make statements to the media at this time. Before attending DeSales, Moscow Ripper Kohberger received an associate's degree in psychology in 2018 at Northampton Community College, said college spokeperson Mia Rossi-Marino.
According to the WSU website, Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger was pursuing his Ph.D in criminal justice and criminology, looks like he thought he was smarter than the cops, just like serial killer Ted Bundy. In a since-removed post on Reddit from seven months ago, May 2022, Bryan Kohberger asked ex-cons to participate in a DeSales research project that sought to “understand how emotions and psychological traits influence decision-making when committing a crime” and “understand the story behind your most recent criminal offense.” Though he has no criminal record that would put his DNA on file, investigators were able to match genetic evidence to a family member of the suspect using genealogy databases, CNN reported, citing a source. Mr. Gilliam, a former FBI agent, said the details that have emerged of Kohberger's life led him to believe that the suspected killer had developed a fixation on dominating others that evolved over time. BK shows traits of a very Organized Serial Killer and a Disorganized serial killer, he studied both of them.
MOSCOW MASSACRE HORROR HOUSE: Bryan Kohberger shows traits of a very Organized Serial Killer planning and surveilling the victims for months and a Disorganized Serial Killer who uses a blitz attack to kill, BK studied both of them. Disorganized Serial Killer leaves victims in the same position in which they were killed, like in bed, and make no attempt to conceal the body (bodies), like what BK did at the Idaho college students Moscow massacre. A common method used by Disorganized offenders is the "blitz" attack, which is where the offender uses extreme force on the victim(s) to gain control over them, like what BK did.
The murder is sadistic, the disorganized offender uses overkill, like BK did in Moscow. A disorganized offender may stab their victim repeatedly, (19 times), even after death, like what BK did. The disorganized serial killer is prone to paraphilia, a sexual perversion or sexual deviation. Sadistic paraphilic fantasies can lead to sexualized violence including serial homicide this was a feature of Ted Bundy and like what BK did in Moscow. Mutilation of body parts is a standard feature of this paraphilia. The disorganized serial killer will dismember or cut the body, including parts of the face of the victim, like what BK did. University of Idaho stabbing victim Kaylee Goncalves’ injuries were “significantly more brutal” than her best friend Madison Mogen, sources told NewsNation on Sunday. Information as per the FBI BAU, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Volume: 54 Issue: 8 Dated: (August 1985) Pages: 18-25.
On November 13th, 2022 Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger made a big mistake by not attaching the
KA-BAR combat fighting knife & sheath to his belt or strapped to his
leg at the Moscow Murder Massacre on Nov 13, 2022. You don't carry the 7
inch fixed blade KA-BAR fighting knife and sheath in your bare hands if
you are planning to get into a fight. It appears that naive first time
knife fighter Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger carried the KA-BAR fighting knife and
sheath to the Moscow Massacew Murders in his bare hands. Once he removed
the knife from the sheath with his right hand he nedded his left hand
to fight off his victims. As he started his murderous attacks with Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves the knife sheath ended up in thier bed in the darkened room and he was unbale to retreve it. The
KA-BAR ultra sharp fighting knife with a black coated flat fixed 7"
ground blade comes to a bowie style clip point and is made out of 1095
Cro-Van steel. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about the uniformly cut
notches that may line up with your fingers. It turns out the notches
enhance the grip. The length of the handle suits a blade of this length
nicely, and the knife feels balanced and capable in hand. Sheaths are
available that generally match your choice of handle material. The
version with the stacked leather handle comes with a leather sheath. The
leather sheath can come stamped with your chosen branch of service,
Army or Marines.
Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger's DNA on knife sheath direct link to Moscow Massacre Murders. BK may have worn gloves in the savage attack during the Moscow Massacre Murders but he sure as hell touched the KA-BAR knife sheath with his bare hands when the package from Amazon arrived at his parents house in April 2022 before leaving for WSU in Pullman June 2022. “Kohberger a fantasy of thinking about committing crimes for a long time with that KA-BAR knife”. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger seemed to want to create the perfect murder. He purchased a KA-BAR military killing knife with sheath from Amazon before he moved out of parents house and headed to Washington State Univ, he was ready to go. The same KA-BAR knife sheath which Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger purchased with the knife was later found to have Kohberger’s DNA on it, the leather sheath was found by police alongside the body of Madison Mogen on Nov. 13 2023. The murder weapon itself has never been found. Roommate Dylan Mortensen came face-to-face with the alleged killer BK as he exited the house, standing in a “frozen shock phase” as “a figure clad in black clothing and a mask walked towards her,” then “towards the back sliding glass door” of the house, a police affidavit stated. Moscow Ripper Bryan Kohberger didn't create and commit the perfect crime. What went wrong and what happened beforehand? Did he commit any crimes before he went out to Washington State U and Idaho Univ, and why out west? Why did Kohberger purchase a military combat killing knife, the KA-BAR, before going out west to college? Yeah, why?
Copyright Protection: Bill Warner Investigations Sarasota Fl Original Articles Published on This Website Using Proprietary Research.
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