Sarasota Private Investigator Better Call Bill Warner - True Crime Stories

Sarasota Private Investigator Better Call Bill Warner - True Crime Stories

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Unsolved Karen Swift Murder a Tale of Sex, Lies, Missing Video Tapes, and Misbehaving Private Eyes in Dyersburg TN.

Unsolved Karen Swift Murder a Tale of Sex, Lies, Missing Video Tapes and Misbehaving Private Eyes in Dyersburg TN. From the beginning of my on-air commentary on December 12th, 2011 on CNN's HLN with Jane Velez Mitchell concerning the still unsolved murder of Karen Swift, I have been inundated with threats sent to me via email, phone call hang-ups, extreme negative online reviews of my business, attacks by anonymous posters on Topix/Dyersburg a real cesspool, and actual threats communicated to me in cell phone conversations from people in Dyersburg TN, right up to Friday March 1st 2024. If you did or do speak out is support of David Swift's innocence in Dyersburg TN your putting a real target on your back. David Swift Murder Trial June 6, 2024: Jury in Dresden TN Decides David Swift Not Guilty of 1st or 2nd Degree Murder and Not Guilty of Attempted Murder, Told You So.

UPDATE; June 20, 2024 David Swift indicted by the Dyer County Grand Jury for voluntary manslaughter and aggravated assault against/on Karen Swift, David not guilty at trial of her murder, so what's up "General Danny"

DYER COUNTY TN JUNE 2024: General Danny's end run around the current 8 year Statute of Limitations for Voluntary Manslaughter in TN by charging David Swift for the supposed crime in 2011 on Karen Swift, violates David Swift's 6th Amendment Right to a Speedy Trial for the same supposed crime. It looks like anything goes in Dyer County TN. US Constitution’s Sixth Amendment’s Right to Speedy Trial Clause: In 2011 in the State of Tennessee, the Statute of limitations on Voluntary Manslaughter was 4 years, David Swift left Tennessee in 2015. In 2016, the Tennessee Supreme Court specifically overruled its prior holding on ex post facto laws and held that “the ex post facto clause of the Tennessee Constitution has the same definition and scope as the federal ex post facto clause.” In other words, if a new Tennessee law were to extend a statute of limitation for a certain crime, it could now apply to both future crimes and also past crimes for which the statutes of limitation had not already expired. Past cases have considered how the US Constitution’s Due Process and Speedy Trial Clauses affect criminal statutes of limitations. Statutes of limitations apply to the time period before criminal proceedings are started while the right to a speedy trial applies to the length of time between the start of criminal proceedings and cases going to trial. The US Constitution’s Sixth Amendment’s Speedy Trial Clause provides that in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial. On its face, the protection of the amendment is activated only when a criminal prosecution has begun and extends only to those persons who have been accused in the course of that prosecution. 
Accordingly, as a non-party citizen to the Swift murder trial, I am free to speak to the public and the media about the Swift murder trial under the First Amendment to the Constitution. Simply put, my rights to freedom of speech cannot be restricted by persons known and unknown. Criticism of the government, political dissatisfaction, and advocacy of unpopular ideas that people may find distasteful or against public policy are nearly always protected by the First Amendment.

Local crime rate information as of August 2nd, 2024 for Dyerburg TN: With a crime rate of 62 per one thousand residents, Dyersburg has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 16, no go Dyersburg TN.

Dyersburg State Gazette November 1st, 2015, David Swift's statement in response to article; "It has been a rough 4 years since Karen was taken from our lives. The children are doing well because we are a strong family and often look at pictures and talk about mommy. It is sad that the sheriff department has made many attempts to taint public opinion of me. I have always been fully cooperative and never refused an interview with investigators. My daughter was interviewed so I am not sure why they continue to state differently. If statements are being made publicly from the sheriff's department I would hope they would have documented proof of their statements. I was told early on by the sheriff not to talk to the media since they were twisting and turning things around that he was even saying. I was told not to search for my wife because that could place me at various areas and possible contaminate evidence. I took the sheriff's advice and later this is turned against me by Terry McCreight's public statements. I did everything possible with phone calls and passing out flyers when I was able to do so. We will always love Karen and remember the good memories we had and pray for true justice".
-- Posted by David Swift on Thu, Nov 5, 2015, at 11:20 AM

David Swift not guilty at trial June 6 2024, his D-Day, so who killed Karen Swift? Maybe David Swift DIDN'T kill Karen Johnson Swift - The Context Of Things. see via @tedbauer2003.

Prosecutor DA Goodman claims in his opening statement Tuesday, that David Swift on the morning of Oct 30th, 2011 went into the bedroom where his wife was sleeping in their home, stripped her down to her panties and then dragged her to their garage where David Swift put Karen Swift down on the concrete floor and stomped on Karen Swift's head with such force that he cracked her skull in two places, there would have been blood spatter everywhere. Medical examiner Dr. Marco Ross testified to a depressed skull fracture on the right side of her head, that he said killed Karen Swift in the David Swift murder trial, but said there was no way to determine the weapon. I suppose it could be from a hammer or a baseball bat or even from a possible pistol whipping as a weapon to cause a depressed skull fracture (bones forced into the brain). Dr. Marco Ross also testified there was no way to determine if she'd been sexually assaulted. An autopsy report provided to Court TV said Karen Swift died from “blunt force injury of the head”, depressed fracture to the temporal bone on the side of the head, the the hardest bone in the human body. 

17-page autopsy revealed Karen Swift died from a hit to the right front side of her head causing a depressed fracture sending broken bones into her brain. Looks like a left hand perp hit her with a gun butt. A gun butt from a pistol whipping would definitely cause a depressed fracture in the head of Karen Swift. I think that of all the suspected murder weapons, like a hammer or gulf club or baseball bat that have been bantered around by web-sleuths, bloggers, pod-casters and wanna be cops the most obvious weapon that is prolific in the State of Tennessee is a handgun.

DA Goodman claims David Swift stomped on the head of Karen Swift while she was lying on the concrete floor of their garage, there would have been blood everywhere. BUT wouldn't they have been damage to both sides of Karen Swift's head and not just on the right side? The medical examiner testified Thursday May 30 in the David Swift murder trial, providing graphic details from Karen Swift's autopsy. The medical examiner stated that Karen Swift had a depressed fracture to the right side of her head that was the basic cause of death. A depressed fracture to the head causes bone fragments forced into the brain, M.E. was unable to determine exactly what kind of weapon caused the head wound. Depressed fracture wounds were found on the right side of the head above the right eye of Karen Swift. The human skull can withstand 6.5 GPa of pressure while oak holds up under 11 GPa. Frontal bone: this bone comprises the forehead and the upper orbit of the eye. It joins the parietal bones at the coronal suture. Two temporal bones: These bones are located at the sides and base of the skull, and they are the hardest bones in the body. A supposed murder weapon that caused the wound would be a hammer or a baseball bat or even from a possible pistol whipping. The killer of Karen Swift would have been most likely left handed if he used a weapon as wounds were on the right side of her head, David Swift is right handed.

  YOUTUBE CLICK HERE ....2,206 views as of June 13, 2024

Sept 27, 2023 Message from cell phone number 731-445-0576 on Youtube video seen above is from Darrell Sells, 85, in Dyersburg TN. Sells called me on Wednesday, September 27th 2023 at 3:49pm seems to be some sort of a veiled threat concerning what appears to be the murder trial of David Swift in Weakley County TN that started on May 28th. David Swift’s attorney, Daniel Taylor, expressed concerns about David Swift receiving a fair trial for the 2011 unsolved murder of his wife Karen Swift in Dyersburg TN, no doubt. Darrell Sells did not indicate exactly what trial he was talking about in his call to me, but, Darrell Sells 85, appears to think I am on a witness list for the upcoming David Swift murder trail. Does Darrell Sells, 85, have access to the witness list for this upcoming murder trail of David Swift in Tennessee that started on May 28th 2024 and if he does, why does he?

Previously: Back on Friday, June 18, 2021, STATE GAZETTE NEWSPAPER TENNESSEE WRITES: On June 14, the Dyer County Grand Jury indicted Darrell Sells and former private eye Chasity Nicole Brandon on a charge of stalking by electronic communications. According to the indictment, Sells and Brandon between April 15, 2020 and February 16, 2021, “unlawfully, knowingly or intentionally took willful course of conduct involving repeated or continued harassment of [victim] by electronic communication that would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested, in violation of TCA 39-17-315.” CHARGES LATER DROPPED. On January 25, 2022, the State of Tennessee dismissed the charge of stalking by electronic communications against Darrell Sells and Chasity Nicole Brandon (former private eye). see

In 2021 Darrell Sells filed a Lawsuit on David Swift and others for Defamation relating to a complaint David Swift filed with the Tennessee Private Investigation and Polygraph Commission about private eye Chastity Nicole Brandon (Bryan) of Dyersburg, Tennessee. Mr. Swift had an interest in protecting himself and his family from private eye Chastity Nicole Brandon (Bryan) of Dyersburg, Tennesse who was acting unlawfully and harassing him and his minor children. Further, as a victim of Ms. Chastity Brandon’s improper campaign and unsanctioned investigative tactics, which ran afoul of applicable professional regulations, see Ex. 1 p. 16–18 (recommending that Ms. Chastity Brandon’s license be voluntarily surrendered due to her misbehavior), Mr. Swift acted in good faith to alert the appropriate regulatory authority that was empowered to take action. Put another way: Mr. Swift filed a complaint in good faith in order to ensure that private eye Chastity Nicole Brandon (Bryan) of Dyersburg, Tennesse was held accountable for her professional misconduct, and upon review of that complaint by the regulatory authority that was responsible for licensing Ms. Chastity Brandon, she was. Name comes up both ways, Chastity N. Brandon aka Chasity N. Brandon. Misbehaving Private Eyes in Dyersburg TN.

Unsolved Karen Swift Murder a Tale of Sex, Lies, Missing Video Tapes and Misbehaving Private Eyes in Dyersburg TN. At the Tennessee Private Investigations and Polygraph Commission Meeting of 10/15/2020 concerning the actions of 
private eye Chastity Nicole Brandon (Bryan) of Dyersburg, Tennesse, one of the board members, Jesse Gentry Assistant General Counsel, read the legal report on private eye Chastity Nicole Brandon who had refused to cooperate with the investigation. According to Jesse Gentry Assistant General Counsel, Chastity Brandon committed a 'laundry list' of violations including operating a 'Private Detective Agency' without a license. Jesse Gentry went on to list multiple violations committed by Chastity Brandon using a Facebook Page called 'Cobra Justice' posting unsubstantiated articles. Name comes up both ways, Chastity N. Brandon aka Chasity N. Brandon.

Jesse Gentry made note of several prior arrests of Chastity N. Brandon and indicated she had used multiple 'dates of birth' and multiple 'social security numbers'. The Commission voted unanimously to pursue formal charges and agreed to voluntary revocation of private investigator license of Chastity Nicole Brandon in Dyersburg TN. Final comment by one of the Board Members, "whatever it takes to get this woman Chastity Brandon out of the private eye business". Misbehaving Private Eyes in Dyersburg TN, Chastity Brandon links to Darrell Sells in Dyersburg TN.

Karen Swift was reported missing on Sunday, Oct. 30, when her 2004 Nissan Murano was discovered near the intersection of Harness Road and Millsfield Highway at about 5:15 am. Karen Swift was last seen at her home in Dyersburg on Willie Johnson Rd. around 1:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 30. Marty Lamb was driving to work around 5:15 AM Sunday when he found Karen Swift's car with a flat tire on Millsfield Highway Dyer County. COURT TIMELINE MAKES NO SENSE, RACHEL TOWNSEND WRITES.   

Let’s look at this timeline provided by the court:
*2:08 a.m.: Karen comes home with Ashley
*3:45-4:30 a.m.: Internet activity on David’s laptop shows images were opened from an external device.
*Depending on whether you believe the expert witness of the Defense or of the State, the last cellular of Karen Swift activity was recorded at 4:38 a.m. (State expert’s opinion) or 5:09 a.m. (Defense expert’s opinion).
*5:15 a.m. the first sighting of the abandoned vehicle, people at the car by 5:30 a.m. This leaves a very small window (1 hour) for the murder, dumping of the body, staging of Karen’s vehicle and the tire on Millsfield Highway and the walk back from the vehicle to the Swift residence and do a professional crime scene cleanup with bleach, no trace of blood or body fluids. The distance has been inaccurately stated as 1/4-mile multiple times throughout the trial. In a conversation with District Attorney Danny Goodman, I was told the distance was roughly .43 miles. This is closer to an 8–10-minute walk for a healthy person with no disability.

Prosecutor DA Goodman claims in his opening statement Tuesday, that David Swift on the morning of Oct 30th, 2011 went into the bedroom where his wife was sleeping in their home, stripped her down to her panties and then dragged her to their garage where David Swift put Karen Swift down on the concrete floor and stomped on Karen Swift's head with such force that he cracked her skull in two places, there would have been blood spatter everywhere. Medical examiner Dr. Marco Ross testified to a depressed skull fracture on the right side of her head, that he said killed Karen Swift in the David Swift murder trial, but said there was no way to determine the weapon. I suppose it could be from a hammer or a baseball bat or even from a possible pistol whipping as a weapon to cause a depressed skull fracture (bones forced into the brain). Dr. Marco Ross also testified there was no way to determine if she'd been sexually assaulted. An autopsy report provided to Court TV said Karen Swift died from “blunt force injury of the head”, depressed fracture to the temporal bone on the side of the head, the the hardest bone in the human body.  

DA Goodman claims David Swift stomped on the head of Karen Swift while she was lying on the concrete floor of their garage, there would have been blood everywhere. BUT wouldn't they have been damage to both sides of Karen Swift's head and not just on the right side? The medical examiner testified Thursday May 30 in the David Swift murder trial, providing graphic details from Karen Swift's autopsy. The medical examiner stated that Karen Swift had a depressed fracture to the right side of her head that was the basic cause of death. A depressed fracture to the head causes bone fragments forced into the brain, M.E. was unable to determine exactly what kind of weapon caused the head wound. Depressed fracture wounds were found on the right side of the head above the right eye of Karen Swift. The human skull can withstand 6.5 GPa of pressure while oak holds up under 11 GPa. Frontal bone: this bone comprises the forehead and the upper orbit of the eye. It joins the parietal bones at the coronal suture. Two temporal bones: These bones are located at the sides and base of the skull, and they are the hardest bones in the body. A supposed murder weapon that caused the wound would be a hammer or a baseball bat or even from a possible pistol whipping. The killer of Karen Swift would have been most likely left handed if he used a weapon as wounds were on the right side of her head, David Swift is right handed.

My comment nine years ago on October 24, 2015 posted to article, Maybe David Swift DIDN’T kill Karen Johnson Swift

October 24, 2015 pibillwarner;
Murder of Karen Swift apparently occurred in the Dyersburg family home so claims the Sheriff but he can not prove it. Then Dyer County District Attorney Phil Bivens, was seen speaking with Dyer County Sheriff’s investigators and TBI agents during the a Nov. 10, 2011, search of the Swift’s house on Willie Johnson Road, coming up empty. On that day, agents with the TBI’s Violent Crimes Response Team in Memphis processed potential evidence at the residence. Forensic agents were reportedly at the house because it was the last place Swift was seen alive and a part of the process of the investigation. D.A. Bivens says there has not been enough evidence presented to him to warrant an arrest. Cops searched the home of David and Karen Swift multiple times (4) since she went missing on October 30th, 2011, cops found no indication anything suspicious had occurred in the home, no blood spatter etc, so were was the crime scene, were was Karen Swift murdered? It was not where her car was found, no blood spatter again, no drag marks on the dirt road near the car, nothing. It does not appear from sheriff reports that the crime scene was near the access road to Bledsoe Cemetery where the body of Karen Swift was found on December 10th, 2011, so how did she get there? David Swift could not have carried the body of Karen anywhere, he was on crutches due to recent knee surgery, I have seen the medical evidence.

MONEY TRAIL: Karen Swift was not on the Mortgage or Title to the house she shared with her husband David Swift, she was driving a 2004 Nissan white Murano SE 2WD that she did not own, it was owned and registered to her husband David Swift. Karen Swift had very few household bills to pay and yet she was heavily in debt on at least 3 bank credit cards issued in HER NAME ONLY, in fact all 3 bank credit cards were maxed out and had been charged off and Karen Swift was being sued by all 3 of the credit card banks for a total of $7,200 in Dyer County court. FOLLOW THE MONEY, FOLLOW THE CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS, WHO WAS SHE MEETING, WHERE DID THE MONEY GO? THE FILING OF THE DIVORCE IS NOT SO MUCH A RED FLAG AS IT THE SECOND TIME SHE HAD DONE SUCH A THING. I have seen the evidence in copies of the various Karen Swift lawsuits filed in Dyer County.

Karen Swift had as many as 3 cell phones at a time, two were on her husbands account, not hers, one was pre-paid and untraceable given to her to keep in touch with her ‘friends Cathy and Bill Bona’. Karen was meeting some new friends that she had met on the internet. Karen Swift was working as an Aerobic Instructor at the Y in Dyersburg, Karen Swift had begun teaching an aerobics class called Silver Sneakers, which is a fitness program for older adults. Karen Swift also had a house cleaning and yard cleaning business, in fact on the morning she went missing she was headed to a house cleaning job to finish up so that she could collect $250.00, she was not paying any of the credit card bills in her name, the car payment, the phones, the mortgage, food, gas all paid for by her husband David Swift, I have seen the evidence.

In any police investigation of a murder or even a missing person case, the cops always want to know who was the last person the victim had contact with and were there any surveillance tapes of recent activity, if she was at home who did she talk to, if she had gone out for the night, a night of dancing and drinking like at the The Farms Dyersburg Country Club Halloween party then who was she with. It surely was not her husband who was back at their home, so who was she with, did she get into any altercations with anyone inside or outside of the Dyersburg Country Club Halloween party, where are the surveillance tapes? Did Sheriff Box request the video tapes from the interior and exterior surveillance cameras at the Dyersburg Country Club-The Farms, does Sheriff Box have the video tapes from the surveillance cameras at the Dyersburg Country Club Halloween party of October 29th, 2011 and if he does not, why not?

I have been a private investigator for over 20 years doing hundreds of ‘Cheaters Cases’, Karen Swift was living free and easy with no household bills to pay, she was working 3 jobs for her own cash money, she was away from home a lot, she was involved in various nude hot tub parties with a lot of booze and without her husband, she was not paying for the 3 bank credit cards in her name only and yet she was broke all the time, where did all her cash go and to whom? Karen Swift was living the party life, just like the night she went to the Dyersburg Country Club Halloween Party as ‘Catwoman’ in a skintight black costume without her husband on Saturday night October 29th, 2011 and stays until about 11:58 pm, early next morning Sunday October 30th 2011 at about 5:00 am she is up and out of the Swift home and on the road, ‘goes missing’ at 5:30 am and turns up dead, her body found near the access road to Bledsoe Cemetery on December 10th, 2011. Karen Swift may have got involved with a Dyersburg married man or she met someone on the internet to meet up with, and it did not end well at about 5:00 a.m. on Oct 30th, 2011.

Memphis TN Serial Killer who left 3 nude female bodies, with panties pulled down, in Mount Carmel Cemetery in 2011, he was never caught. Time doesn’t heal all wounds. Sometimes it causes them to fester. This week will mark 13 years since my friend, Jessica Nicole Lewis, was murdered in South Memphis in 2011. Jessica Lewis was beautiful, her photo above on the left, blonde hair. She often flat-ironed her shoulder-length, strawberry-blonde curls, and she had style — her closet was full of body-hugging jeans and cute tops to adorn her near-hourglass, athletic figure. Thirteen years of unanswered questions. Thirteen years knowing the man who took her life was able to continue living his, freely and without consequence. On February 20, 2011, Jessica’s body was found in Mt. Carmel Cemetery, an old unkempt graveyard at Elvis Presley and Elliston, about three miles north of Graceland and as many miles south of the Stax Museum of American Soul Music. There was evidence of a struggle; she’d been dragged through the grounds and shot in the head, the only clothing left on her battered body was underwear (panties pulled down) and a single sock. The murder weapon, a gun, is probably in a river somewhere, or sitting on a shelf said Sgt. Robert Wilkie of the Memphis Police.

In less than a month in early 2011, one man murdered three women and tried to kill a fourth in South Memphis. He fired a single round into each one of them, then left two of the bodies in Mt. Carmel Cemetery in South Memphis. The final victim, and the only one to survive, was shot just across the street from Mt. Carmel. He's never been caught. And as far as police know, he hasn't killed since. 'There's four that I believe ... are the work of the same (killer),' said Sgt. Robert Wilkie, the Memphis Police Department homicide detective assigned to the cases. 'Two of them are actually linked by forensic evidence. The other two, to make a total of four, because of the location and the types of injuries, motive more than anything.' His crime spree began on Jan. 27, 2011. 

Around 5:30 a.m. on Feb. 24, the groundskeeper at Mt. Carmel made another grisly discovery: The body of Rhonda Wells, 44, was found on one of the roads in the northwest corner of the cemetery. Then, on Feb. 26, two days after Wells was found, the killer struck again, across the street from Mt. Carmel. This time, though, he made a mistake. His victim lived, and she told police what he looked like. From her description, police were able to put together the composite sketch of a young black man, about 24 years old with his hair in cornrows. He was driving a dark Dodge Charger or Chrysler 300. Police also had evidence from the scenes. Memphis TN serial killer's dump site in 2011 was at the old Mt. Carmel Cemetery which looks a lot like the old Bledsoe Cemetery in Dyersburg TN where Karen Swift's body found in Oct 2011, just sayin.

Private investigator Bill Warner was back on CNN Headline News Jane Velez-Mitchell's show GONE on December 12th, 2011 talking about the unsolved murder of Karen Swift whose nude body was found on Dec 10th, 2011 in Dyersburg TN, with her panties pulled down. Karen Swift was beautiful, her photo above, she had shoulder length blonde hair. Karen Swift looks some what like murdered Jessica Nicole Lewis in Memhis TN in 2011, just sayin. CNN Jane Velez-Mitchell, "Bill Warner, you find it very significant that Karen`s body was found near a cemetery".

There is a little dirt road that separates where Karen Swifts body was found in Dec 2011 and from where the headstones are in the old Bledsoe cemetery. It's within 30, 40 feet. The problem I have, is that I was aware earlier in the same year in -- from January through March 2011, that there was serial killer in the Memphis Tennessee area who killed three women and dumped their nude bodies (panties pulled down) in a cemetery in Memphis, Tennessee, the old Mount Carmel Cemetery. Jessica Nicole Lewis, was murdered in South Memphis in Feb 2011, her body dumped in the old Mt Carmel cemetery. Kinda looks like the Memphis serial killer has a signature to his murders. I find this a little disturbing, being that Memphis is only maybe a 1 1/2 hour drive from Dyersburg TN, and the Memphis TN serial killer was never caught!

Could the 24 year old Memphis TN rapist serial killer who left his nude female victims bodies in a cemetery have left Memphis TN and relocated to a possible family member in the Dyersburg TN area? They found Karen Swift's Halloween costume from the Farms Dyersburg Country Club party in her car on Sunday Oct 30th, 2011. Some articles of clothing that belonged to Karen Swift, a pair of jeans, a bra and a gray zip-up sweatshirt were found in some brush not far from her car. They confirmed [the clothing items] belong to her. They took DNA from her mother and compared it to DNA on the clothes," Swift's friend Laura Jane told The Huffington Post. When Karen Swift's body was found on Dec 10th, 2011 near the Bledsoe cemetery she was nude except for her panties pulled down below her knees. Who killed Karen Swift, was it the Memphis serial killer who left his victims in a cemetery or a clever copycat killer in 2011?
Memphis TN serial killer's dump site in Feb 2011 was the old Mt. Carmel Cemetery which coincidentally looks just like the old Bledsoe Cemetery in Dyersburg TN where Karen Swift's body was found in Dec 2011. Karen Swift looks some what like murdered Jessica Nicole Lewis, both very attractive white females with shoulder length blonde hair. Jessica Nicole Lewis was murdered in Memphis TN in Feb 2011. Both Karen Swift and Jessica Nicole Lewis bodies were found nude other than their panties pulled down below their knees.
UPDATE JUNE 16th, 2024: MEMPHIS TN SERIAL KILLER STILL OUT THERE HE HAS NEVER BEEN CAUGHT. The Memphis TN serial killer was described as a black male with cornrow hair, he was clean shaven in 2011 but would most likely have facial hair in 2024, he would be now 37 years old.

Copyright Protection: Bill Warner Investigations Sarasota Fl Original Articles @billdetective

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