Sarasota Private Investigator Better Call Bill Warner - True Crime Stories

Sarasota Private Investigator Better Call Bill Warner - True Crime Stories

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Private Investigator Bill Warner Claims Long Time Saudi Arabia Funded CAIR in USA That Supports Terrorism Must Open the Books, Follow the Money

Private Investigator Bill Warner Claims Long Time Saudi Arabia Funded CAIR in USA That Supports Terrorism Must Open the Books, Follow the Money. NYP writes Nov 26, 2024; Great news for America: Poisonous advocacy group the Council on American-Islamic Relations is going to have to come clean about its donors. The good news comes thanks to a spectacularly failed move by CAIR to shut down Loria Saroya, a former employee who criticized the group for (among other things) lack of transparency around funding after she left it in 2018, via a defamation lawsuit. A judge has ruled that the group must open its books for discovery efforts in Saroya’s own countersuit. CAIR has long been suspected of entanglement with terror groups like Hamas. 

Saudi Arabia continues to serve as the capital of international terrorist financing, including the 9/11 al-Qaeda planes operation. Through groups such as the Muslim World League, the International Islamic Relief Organization, and the al-Haramain Islamic Foundation, as well as through Islamic affairs bureaus at Saudi embassies and consulates worldwide, Saudis continue to fund radical Islamic groups that support or engage in international terrorism. Some cases are both clear cut and extreme. For example, after his arrest in Indonesia on June 5, 2002, Omar al-Farouq, al-Qaeda's operational point man in Southeast Asia, told his interrogators that al-Qaeda activities in the region were funded through a branch of al-Haramain. According to al-Farouq, "money was laundered through the foundation by donors from the Middle East." In another case, Italian wiretaps monitoring members of a European al-Qaeda cell overheard a senior operative reassuring his subordinate about funding: "Don't ever worry about money, because Saudi Arabia's money is your money." 

Other cases are far more subtle, particularly the activities of a host of purportedly political or social-activist groups operating in the United States. For example, Omar Ahmed, co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) an organization that has received significant funding from Saudi Arabia also helped found the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) in cooperation with Mousa Abu Marzouk, a Hamas leader and Specially Designated Terrorist. IAP, a Hamas front organization, was the first to publish the Hamas charter in English. Given this background, CAIR's pro-Hamas and pro-Hizballah positions should come as no surprise; the group regularly rises to the defense of arrested al-Qaeda terrorist suspects like those held in Gitmo Cuba and openly supports terrorist groups such as Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Sami al-Arian Tampa Fl, al-Qaeda and ISIS. 

Review of FBI Interactions with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The FBI developed a policy on its interactions with CAIR based in part on evidence presented during the 2007 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development! The evidence at trial linked CAIR to leaders in Hamas, a specially designated terrorist organization, and CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the case. CAIR has publicly supported such terrorist groups as, Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Sami al-Arian Tampa Fl, al-Qaeda (AQ), HAMAS, Hizballah, Palestine Liberation Front (PLF), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Sam Mustafa Tampa Fl, and on and on and on!

Operation Green Quest 9/11 Terrorist Funding Investigation in Sarasota Led by Michael Chertoff Shut Down by FBI Because it Linked to Terrorism, WTF? The ICE Operation Green Quest investigation into terrorist funding in Sarasota Fl led by Michael Chertoff was getting results in 2002 to 2003 but the FBI shut it down. In March 2003, Customs and Operation Green Quest were transferred to ICE, within the Department of Homeland Security. From July to October 2003, the FBI provided a list of individuals, businesses, and organizations to the vetting unit that it believed were related to pre-Agreement ICE Operation Green Quest investigations. Customs (ICE) expanded Operation Green Quest in January 2003 by doubling the personnel commitment to a total of approximately 300 agents and analysts nationwide to work solely on terrorist financing matters. A review of the list by the vetting unit and TFOS identified approximately 30 potential crossover subjects. The FBI believed that these subjects had ties to terrorism or terrorist financing-and, accordingly, per the Agreement's collaborative procedures-any related ICE investigations should be transitioned to JTTFs. According to ICE officials, in late-October 2003, TFOS demonstrated that 10 of the approximately 30 subjects had a confirmed nexus to terrorism or terrorist financing, and ICE agreed to transition the related ICE investigations to JTTFs. As a result of conflicts between the FBI and the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE, in May 2003 the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff signed an agreement concerning terrorist financing investigations. Operation Green Quest 9/11 Investigation in Sarasota Fl was disbanded in June 2003 it had commenced in October 2001, it lasted just 20 months, WHY? DHS acknowledged that the Department of Justice, through the FBI, was the lead agency in the fight against terrorist financing, and that any terrorist financing investigations would have to be conducted under the auspices of the FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Force.   

FBI Report Names Saudi Islamic Affairs Department & Office of Da’wa Imams like Anwar al-Awlaki in San Diego and Muneer Arafat in Sarasota as Support Network for 9/11 Hijackers. The 9/11 Commission Report confirms that many of the muscle hijackers were recruited through local mosques run by Imams hired and payed by the Saudi Islamic Affairs Department & Office of Da’wa that links to CAIR. Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat was employed by Saudi Arabia Ministry of Islamic Affairs that built Mosques in America and funded the 9/11 Hijackers. Imam Muneer Arafat was spreading Jihad in St Louis, he was banned at the Grand Gateway Mosque, but he was hired March 2000 in Sarasota Fl, why? Saudi Arabia, of course, has a deep historical and symbiotic relationship with the radical Islamic ideology of Wahhabism. The Saudis continue aggressively to export this intolerant and virulent form of Islam to Muslims across the globe via Imams and CAIR, and to inculcate it in the major institutions of Islam worldwide. Wahhabism is known throughout the Muslim world for its puritanical and severe approach to the teachings of the Muslim prophet Mohammed. It preaches violence against non-believers or infidels, and those include not just Christians, Jews, Hindus, but also Muslims who don't adhere to the strict Wahhabi faith. It serves as the religious basis for Osama bin Laden and Al- Qaeda.

Copyright Protection: Bill Warner Investigations Sarasota Fl Original Articles @billdetective

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