Friday, May 31, 2024

RECORDS: FBI Counter-Terrorism Report Shows Al-Qaeda Propaganda Terrorist Boss Samir Khan Plotted to Kill Sarasota Private Eye Bill Warner in 2009.

The FBI Used a 1951 Book to Gain Insight Into an American Al-Qaeda Suspect Samir Khan. North Carolina-based Al-Qaeda blogger Samir Khan was the subject of a major FBI counter-terrorism investigation in 2009. Recently released FBI files provide rare insight into the FBI's attempts to capture Samir Khan before he traveled to Yemen. There are numerous FBI files dated February 2009 about Khan's contacts, the details of which were redacted. However, one file from February 2009 shows that an FBI counter-terrorism agent sent a report to the Charlotte FBI field office to report that the bureau's Public Access Center Unit received an anonymous tip on its "Internet Crime Complaint Center" website claiming that Samir Khan made a death threat against a Sarasota, Florida private investigator, whose name was redacted from the FBI files. A news report about the incident, however, revealed that the private investigator is Bill Warner, who allegedly was responsible for shutting down Khan's blog.…Vice News. The FBI Counter-terrorism report considered Samir Khan to be Al-Qaeda Core, they included his DOB 12/25/1985 and his SSN 091-81-3487, see FBI report below.

“Samir Khan was a great facilitator for Al-Qaeda.” On July 16th 2008 I came in contact with WBTV-3 Producers and TV anchor person Molly Grantham for the CBS TV affiliate in Charlotte NC and a Video news expose’ was put together on Samir Khan, see “Pro Al-Qaeda Web site Run by a Charlotte Man”.  WBTV traveled to Sarasota to interview PI Bill Warner because he says Charlotteans need to recognize someone in their backyard is helping the enemy. "His (Khan) website is concise. Easy to read. Informative. If you want to be a terrorist, this is where you go," says Bill Warner. "He's a great facilitator for Al-Qaeda." Samir Khan left for Yemen in October 2009, intelligence officials believe it was soon afterward that he became the editor of Al-Qaeda's 'Inspire' magazine.

I suppose the thing that most upset and frustrated me about Samir Khan's obvious links to Al-Qaeda back in July of 2008 in Charlotte NC was that the FBI did nothing even after I put myself out there, in public, and made myself a target for Samir Khan and his his Al-Qaeda pals. When others were running away from any public connections to shutting down terror websites by hiding their true identity and locations, I went forward and targeted Samir Khan and publicly put myself on regional WBTV in Charlotte NC condemning his obvious Al-Qaeda connected website(s). I continued with at least 4 other video news exposes on Samir Khan with Charlotte TV station WBTV, even after he was in Yemen heading up Al-Qaeda's news mag 'Inspire" see video when he was in Yemen

THE CIA KILLED SAMIR KHAN IN YEMEN ON 9/30/2011:  — A North Carolina blogger who became a major propagandist for al Qaida before he was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen, along with Anwar Awlaki, was the subject of close FBI surveillance for years and a much bigger concern for U.S. authorities than previously known, according to records obtained by McClatchy. Samir Khan, 25, was a big enough worry while he lived in Charlotte, N.C., that before he disappeared in late 2009, federal agents asked the FBI’s special forces unit, Hostage Rescue Team, to help with a likely arrest, the files show. But no arrest was made, and Khan disappeared, reemerging months later in Yemen where he launched an English-language al Qaida magazine, Inspire, that has been influential in radicalizing and recruiting extremists worldwide. He was killed Sept. 30, 2011The last dated entry of the FBI report, on Feb. 17, 2009, said “an anonymous individual” had notified the National Counter-Terrorism Center that Khan had threatened a Sarasota, Fla., private investigator who’d played a role in shutting down a “jihadi website . . . owned by Samir Khan, see below.”

The return of the blog January 5, 2009 on . Posted by admin Samir Khan الحمد الله; After a brief halt, our blog has returned. The blog was not shutdown due to any hacks or infiltration or heavy traffic or server reports, rather it was shutdown on our own accord in order that we may move the servers”. KILL BILL VOL 3…”We apologize for the delay however the move is successful and this will be permanent, In Sha’ Allah. The lying enemy of Allah, Bill Warner – may Allah destroy him — claimed that he was the one who shut down our blog. Let this be a testimony that this disbeliever is a liar”. “May Allah send a hurricane over his house (bill warner) so that he can be wiped out humiliated. In addition, al-Thabaat forums are back up. We have dedicated a video to the return of the blog and to strike fear in the heart of the kafir Bill Warner”


Copyright Protection: Bill Warner Investigations Sarasota Fl Original Articles @billdetective

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