FLORIDA BULLDOG WRITES: "Either the Capitol or the White House have long been considered the target of the United Airlines Flight 93 terrorist hijackers, who were ultimately defeated by passengers who stormed the cockpit and caused the 9/11 hijackers to push the jet down into a field near Shanksville, PA. Everyone on board, 44 passengers and four suicide hijackers, died. As the massive 9/11 lawsuit against Saudi Arabia plods on toward a looming decisive moment, tantalizing bits and pieces about new evidence are once again trickling out. The most dramatic disclosure is of the existence of a video that “purportedly shows [Omar al] Bayoumi ‘casing’ the United States Capitol,” according to a January 26 order by U.S. Magistrate Sarah Netburn which was unsealed Thursday. The Embassy of Saudi Arabia is just minutes from the US Capitol. Mutaeb al-Sudairy aka al-Sudairi is a 'made guy' in the Saudi Royal Family.
Saudi religious official, Mutaeb Abdulaziz al-Sudairy aka Mutaib al-Sudairi aka Mutaeb A. A. al-Sudairy (also spelled Sudayri) is a grandson of one of the "Saudi Sudairy Seven" he was assigned to the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (EKSA) Washington DC in 1999 and the former roommate of Al-Qaeda procurement agent Ziyad Khaleel in Columbia Missouri. Mutaeb A. A. al-Sudairy is a pal of Omar Bayoumi who was publicly identified by the FBI as a Saudi spy, he is one of two Saudis with extensive contacts to two 9/11 hijackers in southern California into whom the court has allowed a “limited” inquiry by attorneys for the 9/11 plaintiffs. The other Saudi is Fahad al Thumairy, who was then both a local religious leader and an official at the Saudi consulate in Los Angeles". Small world, eh?
So records of the ever ongoing Saudi lawsuit on support of terrorism and the 9/11 attack put Saudi spy Omar al Bayoumi in Washington DC in June-July 1999 taking photos and/or video of the US Capital. Who else linked to the 9/11 terrorist attack and linked to al-Qaeda was in the USA in June-July 1999? Look hard at Saudi religious official, Mutaeb al-Sudairy aka Mutaib Abdulaziz al-Sudairi who is a grandson of one of the "Saudi Sudairy Seven", he was assigned to the Saudi Embassy in Washington DC in 1999 and former roommate of Al-Qaeda procurement agent Ziyad Khaleel in Columbia Missouri. Religious official Mutaeb Abdulaziz al-Sudairy aka Mutaib A. A. al-Sudairi is a great grandson of King Abdulaziz and his wife Hassa bint Ahmad al-Sudairi who married in 1919.
Al-Qaeda procurement agent Ziyad Khaleel and Islamic religious official Mutaeb al-Sudairy and al-Qaeda linked Imam Muneer Arafat were all roommates at one time or another in Columbia MO. The names Fahad al-Thumairy and Omar al-Bayoumi had previously been public by the FBI. Musaed al-Jarrah’s name, originally redacted when a FBI report was first released, was new. Musaed al-Jarrah, then the Saudi Embassy’s director of Islamic Affairs, was said in the 2012 report to have “tasked” al-Thumairy – a diplomat at the Los Angeles consulate and Imam at the nearby King Fahd mosque – and al-Bayoumi, a suspected Saudi spy, with aiding the future hijackers. Telephone numbers assigned to the Saudi Arabian Embassy (SAE) in Washington, D.C., where Musaed al-Jarrah was the director of the Islamic Affairs Department, had significant telephonic contact with al-Thumairy and al-Bayoumi while the hijackers were in the Los Angeles and San Diego areas. There is evidence that al-Jarrah had possible links to alQaeda and tasked al-Thumairy and al-Bayoumi with assisting the hijackers. The 2021 report affirmatively identifies al-Jarrah for the first time as also working for Saudi Arabia’s primary intelligence agency, the General Intelligence Presidency (GIP). A heavily redacted section of the report states that as early as 2001 the Saudi Arabian embassy’s Islamic Affairs section in Washington DC was one of the largest spy operations in the world with approximately 50 officers.
Information contained in a 2003 FBI report later became central to Operation Encore – the FBI’s once-confidential probe of suspected Saudi government involvement in 9/11. Encore’s existence became public in 2016 when a highly redacted 2012 FBI report about the investigation was released to Florida Bulldog amid Freedom of Information Act litigation. Jarrah, who was a suspected Saudi intelligence officer, was among a trio of Saudis named in the 2012 report as subjects of the Encore probe. His identity was not made public until the government mistakenly released it in a court filing in 2020. The 2003 FBI report tied Jarrah “specifically with the Southern California based network of Muhammad al-Muhannah [also spelled Muhanna] and Fahad al-Thumairy.’’
In re Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001. The Court established procedures to manage the scope of that discovery. ECF No. 4009. Saudi Arabia produced responsive documents, and soon thereafter, Plaintiffs served their first set of supplemental discovery requests. 9/11 Survivors Plaintiffs sought document discovery regarding seven Saudi officials: Abdullah al-Jaithen, Musaed al-Jarrah, Smail Mana, Adel al-Sadhan, Mutaeb al-Sudairy, Mohamed al-Muhanna, and Sharif Batikhi. While no document discovery is warranted of the Kingdom at th is time, the Court notes that this holding does not mean that Plaintiffs may not ask questions during its upcoming depositions of Saudi government officials regarding Sadhan and Mutaeb al-Sudairy Al-Qaeda procurement agent Ziyad Khallel the former roommate of Musaed al-Jarrah was also a former roommate of Mutaeb al-Sudairy and Imam Muneer Arafat in Columbia Missouri. Iman Muneer Arafat shows up working for the Sarasota-Bradenton Islamic Society Mosque in March of 2000 just 4 months prior to 9/11 pilots Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah take up residence in Sarasota County Fl in July 2000. Small world, eh?
Wahhabist religious propagators, Adel Mohamed al-Sadhan and Mutaeb Abdulaziz al-Sudairy, were assigned to the Embassy of Saudi Arabia Washington DC in 1999. Adel Mohamed al-Sadhan and Mutaeb Abdulaziz al-Sudairy aka al-Sudairi traveled the United States, stopping in several places that overlapped with where al-Hazmi, al-Mihdhar and other 9/11 hijackers like Mohamed Atta had been, they link to Saudi spy Omar al-Bayoumi. 1999 is the timeline when the existence of a video that “purportedly shows Omar al-Bayoumi ‘casing’ the United States Capitol in Washington DC just minutes from the Embassy of Saudi Arabia. Mutaeb Abdulaziz al-Sudairy aka al-Sudairi is a 'made guy' in the Saudi Royal Family. Saudi religious official, Mutaeb Abdulaziz al-Sudairy aka Mutaib al-Sudairi aka Mutaeb A. A. al-Sudairy (also spelled Sudayri) is a grandson of one of the "Saudi Sudairy Seven" he was assigned to the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (EKSA) Washington DC in 1999 and the former roommate of Al-Qaeda procurement agent Ziyad Khaleel in Columbia Missouri. Mutaeb Abdulaziz Sudairy aka Mutaeb A. A. al-Sudairi links directly to the Saudi Royal Family. Mutaeb Abdulaziz Sudairy departed the USA on 10/25/2001 and has since been linked to suspected Al-Qaeda operatives in Saudi Arabia. According to the 9/11 commission report, Osama bin Laden and other al-Qaida leaders began discussing their “planes operation” in the spring of 1999. Although they disagreed on which U.S. landmarks to strike, the report states, “all of them wanted to hit the Capitol.”
Name: Mutaeb Abdulaziz al- Sudairy aka Mutaib Abdulaziz al-Sudairi also spelled Sudayri. The "Saudi Sudairi Seven" also spelled Sudairy or Sudayri, is the commonly used name for a powerful alliance of seven full brothers within the Saudi royal family born to King Abdulaziz and his wife Hassa bint Ahmad al-Sudairi (wife always keeps fathers last name), her father was Ahmed bin Muhammad al-Sudairi. Hussa bint Ahmed al-Sudairi was one of the wives of King Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia, with whom she had seven sons and four daughters. King Abdulaziz, the founder of Saudi Arabia, married Hassa al-Sudairi twice. She was his 8th wife, and first cousin once removed via Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Turki al-Sudairi. They first married in 1913 when she was thirteen-years-old. They divorced after a few years, but remarried in 1919, she died in 1969 at age 68. Hussa bint Ahmed al-Sudairi was a member of the influential al-Sudairi family from Najd Saudi Arabia. Hussa bint Ahmed al-Sudairi and King Abdulaziz had 12 children together. No other spouse of King Abdulaziz produced more sons than Hussa al-Sudairi. Hussa bint Ahmed al-Sudairi became the most valued spouse of King Abdulaziz due to being mother of seven sons. Her sons with King Abdulaziz are known as the Sudairi Seven. They were also called the "magnificent seven." Former Saudi Ambassador to the USA Bandar bin Sultan describes his grandmother, Hussa al-Sudairi, as a combination of Margaret Thatcher and Mother Teresa. Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud born March 2nd 1949 is a retired Saudi Arabian diplomat, military officer, and government official who served as Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States from 1983 to 2005. He is a member of the House of Saud. The Sudairi family influence stretches throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, encompassing a host of minor and senior posts within Saudi Arabia. Currently: The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia: Consular and Other Offices; California 2045 Sawtelle Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90025 is Mr. Faisal Abdulaziz al-Sudairy, Consul General. Recently: The first Saudi ambassador to Palestine, Ramallah West Bank is Nayef bin Bandar al-Sudairi.
On September 11, 2020, US Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn ordered two members of the Saudi royal family, including Prince Bandar bin Sultan, to answer questions raised by the 9/11 lawsuit filed against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The victims have called it a turning point in a long-running lawsuit. Relatives of the September 11 attack victims claim that the agents of Saudi Arabia knowingly supported al-Qaeda and its leader Osama bin Laden, before hijacking and crashing the planes into New York's World Trade Center Twin Towers. While Saudi Arabia is often a secondary source of funds and support for terror movements who can find more motivated and ideologically invested benefactors, Saudi Arabia arguably remains the most prolific sponsor of international Islamist terrorism, allegedly supporting groups as disparate as the Afghanistan Taliban, Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and the Al-Nusra Front. Saudi Arabia is said to be the world's largest source of funds and promoter of Salafist jihadism, which forms the ideological basis of terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, Taliban, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and others.
Until 1994, Omar al Bayoumi lived in Saudi Arabia, working for the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation, a department headed by Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz. In August 1994, al-Bayoumi moved to the United States and settled in San Diego, California, where he became involved in the local Muslim community. He was perceived as being very inquisitive, and Omar al Bayoumi was known to always carry around a video camera. When interviewed by the FBI in 2003, al-Bayoumi stated he worked for Saudi aviation company Dallah AVCO. Witnesses at Dallah AVCO describe al-Bayoumi as one of 50 "ghost employees" who were paid by the company despite never showing up for work. One witness described al-Bayoumi accruing such outrageous expenses that at one point AVCO refused to pay him. Although Saudi officials insist that Bayoumi merely volunteered at a local mosque, British evidence points to his deeper collaboration with the Ministry of Islamic Affairs. The Saudi royals had established the ministry in 1993 as part of a governing pact with the powerful clergy. In return for political support, they gave the clerics effective control over domestic religious matters and funded their efforts to spread their fundamentalist Wahhabi brand of Islam overseas in America.
After the Sept. 11 attacks, American intelligence agencies began to focus more deeply on the Saudi kingdom’s vast effort to spread its ultraconservative Wahhabist brand of Islam that helped radicalize thousands of young jihadis at schools in Pakistan and elsewhere. Generously funded by the Saudi royals to placate their restive clerical establishment, the campaign to spread Wahhabism extended to Europe, Africa and Australia, with a large outpost in the Washington suburbs and the gleaming King Fahad Mosque in Culver City. Not long after 9/11, the FBI formed two new investigative teams that combined counterterrorism and counterintelligence agents to identify Saudi religious extremists and spies in the country’s diplomatic and cultural apparatus. The Bush administration later forced out dozens of Saudi diplomatic personnel in 2003 and 2004, officials say. The FBI teams also helped illuminate a shadowy network of Saudi “propagators” who moved around the United States, often with diplomatic status, spreading Wahhabist doctrine, networking in Muslim communities, doling out money to mosques and gathering intelligence. Then, in the summer of 2010, current and former officials said, one of the Encore analysts came across some intriguing information in FBI files about two young Saudi religious officials from the kingdom’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs. The two men, who had diplomatic status and ostensibly worked abroad as propagators, or missionaries, for Wahhabi Islam, stayed at the San Diego home of Abdussattar Shaikh before the hijackers moved in as boarders in 2000. According to one FBI document, Bayoumi also “assisted” the two men in some way during their visit. The propagators, Adel Mohamed al-Sadhan and Mutaeb Abdulaziz al-Sudairy, had traveled in the United States, stopping in several places that overlapped with where Hazmi, Mihdhar and other 9/11 hijackers had been. The two religious officials, Adel Mohamed al-Sadhan and Mutaeb Abdulaziz al-Sudairy, were found to have ties to suspected militants and had left the United States. Saudi religious official, MutaebAbdulaziz al-Sudairy aka Mutaeb A. A. al-Sudairy is a grandson of one of the "Saudi Sudairy Seven" he was assigned to the Saudi Embassy in Washington DC and former roommate of Al-Qaeda procurement agent Ziyad Khaleel in Columbia Missouri.
IN Feb 2015: The 'Sudairi' branch is historically a powerful alliance of seven sons of King Abdulaziz al-Saud, named after their mother Hassa bint Ahmed al-Sudairi in Saudi Arabia. While the reshuffle was expected as King Salman asserts his mandate, it does revive the power of the Sudairi branch of the Al-Saud family, which the monarch is a part of. Early reactions to recent changes in Saudi succession have made much of Mohammed bin Salman’s appointment as deputy crown prince and the fact that both he and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef share Hassa Sudairi as grandmother. The real story is not that the top three positions in government are held by sons or grandsons (Mohammed bin Salman or MBS) of Hassa bint Ahmad al-Sudairi, but that only three members of the royal family are now running ministries (Defense, Interior, and the National Guard). Former Washington DC Saudi Embassy Religious official Mutaib Abdulaziz al-Sudairi is also a grandson of Hassa bint Ahmad al-Sudairi. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman or MBS father is Salman bin Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman who is a son of King Abdulaziz and Hassa bint Ahmed Al Sudairi, making him one of the Sudairi Seven. Mutaib Abdulaziz al-Sudairi and Mohammed bin Salman or MBS are cousins. Mutaib Abdulaziz al-Sudairi was in Washington DC in 1999 when his pal [Omar al] Bayoumi was ‘casing’ the United States Capitol.”Nationwide support network for 9/11 hijackers in the USA was the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs overseen by Muslim Missionary Mutaeb al Sudairy and local Imams like Fahad Al-Thumairy San Diego, Anwar Al-Awlaki San Diego - Falls Church, and Imam Muneer Arafat Sarasota Fl. Roving al-Qaeda Agent Ziyad Khaleel links to all these Imams, he was a roommate of Mutaeb Abdulaziz Sudairy in 2000 and Muneer Arafat in 1998. Operation Encore 9/11 Doc Released By FBI: Ziyad Khaleel was ID'd as Al-Qaeda agent in Florida, links to Sarasota. In 1999 Al-Qaeda agent Ziyad Khallel aka Ziyad Sadaqa's roommate was Imam Muneer Arafat. Ziyad Khaleel and Muneer Arafat were fundraisers for Islamic African Relief Agency (IARA) formerly headquartered in Columbia, MO and the Holy Land Foundation in Texas both designated terrorist supporters of Hamas and Al-Qaeda. Islamic African Relief Agency (IARA) is listed in the Operation Encore 9/11 Doc released by the FBI as funding Al-Qaeda with Ziyad Khallel handling wire transfers to Osama bin-Laden.
In July 2001, Omar al-Bayoumi moved to England to pursue a PhD at Aston University. Ten days after the September 11 attacks he was arrested by British authorities working with the FBI. He was held on an immigration charge while the FBI and Scotland Yard investigated him. According to an FBI report from 2016, declassified in 2021, they found phone numbers linked to a known Tier 1 Terrorist Support Entity as well as numbers associated with the spiritual advisor to Osama bin Laden and terrorist Abu Zubaydah. Most directly, the phone number of Mutaib Al-Sudairy aka Mutaeb A. A. al-Sudairi, roommate of a key bin Laden logistics facilitator Ziyad Khaleel, was found in terrorist Abu Zubaydah's phone. Bayoumi called this number 5 times, each call coinciding with significant logistic support of the hijackers. Al-Qaeda agent Ziyad Khallel aka Ziyad Sadaqa's roommate for 4 months in 2000 was Mutaeb Abdulaziz Sudairy also spelled Sudairi, he was a Saudi Embassy Religious official with diplomatic immunity. ZAYN AL-ABIDIN MUHAMMAD HUSAYN, aka ABU ZUBAYDAH. In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the Cen-tral Intelligence Agency believed that Abu Zubaydah was a senior al-Qaeda lieutenant likely to possess knowledge of future attacks against the United States.
Mutaeb Abdulaziz Sudairy aka Mutaeb A. A. al-Sudairi is a grandson of one of the "Saudi Sudairy Seven". The "Sudairi Seven" also spelled Sudairy or Sudayri, is the commonly used name for a powerful alliance of seven full brothers within the Saudi royal family born to King Abdulaziz and Hassa bint Ahmad al-Sudairi. Sudairi family influence stretches throughout the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, encompassing a host of minor and senior posts within Saudi Arabia. Currently: The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia: Consular and Other Offices; California 2045 Sawtelle Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90025 Mr. Faisal A. A. Al Sudairy, Consul General. The first Saudi ambassador to Palestine, Ramallah West Bank is Nayef bin Bandar al-Sudairy. Encore analysts came across some intriguing information in F.B.I. files about the two young Saudi religious officials, Adel Mohamed al-Sadhan and Mutaeb Sudairy aka Mutaeb A. A. al-Sudairy aka Mutaeb A. A. Sudairi from the kingdom’s Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs. The two men, Adel Mohamed al-Sadhan and Mutaeb Sudairy, who had diplomatic status and ostensibly worked abroad as propagators, or missionaries, for Wahhabi Islam, stayed at the San Diego home of Abdussattar Shaikh before the 9/11 hijackers moved in as boarders in 2000. According to one F.B.I. document, Bayoumi also “assisted” the two men, Adel Mohamed al-Sadhan and Mutaeb Sudairy, in some way during their visit. The Deputy Minister (the boss) of Islamic Affairs in Saudi Arabia is Dr. Tawfiq Abdulaziz al-Sudairy. Royal Order March 23rd 2019 King Salman issues several royal orders: Dr. Tawfiq Bin Abdulaziz Al-Sudairy, has been relieved from his post as deputy minister of Islamic Affairs, Religious Call and Guidance for Mosques’ Affairs, Call and Guidance. Dr. Tawfiq Bin Abdulaziz Al-Sudairy had been appointed to the position as deputy minister of Islamic Affairs on December 12, 2015, he lasted 3 1/2 years. The Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance is a Saudi government agency established in 1993 and responsible for overseeing Islam affairs and Imams, maintaining mosques and supervising King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an.
FBI 2016 Al-Qaeda report: “The FBI agents working this case detailed a Saudi government support network that was working in 1999, 2000 and 2001 to provide the hijackers with everything they needed to mount the attacks — apartments, money, English lessons, flight school.” "Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide". FBI agents found evidence that several Saudi religious officials working in the United States had connections not only to people who assisted the hijackers but also to other Al-Qaeda operatives and suspected extremists like Zayn Abu Zubaydah. The FBI agents investigating possible Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks were part of a largely secret second phase of the bureau’s examination of the plot, called Operation Encore. The 2016 report also reveals a new layer to Bayoumi’s efforts, noting telephone records that show he was in touch with another Saudi religious official, Mutaeb al-Sudairy, who was then assigned to the Saudi Embassy in Washington. al-Sudairy, the son of a prominent Saudi family, traveled extensively in the United States as a Muslim missionary for the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs, according to documents and interviews. During this period, the Encore report states that he also spent four months as the roommate of Ziyad Khaleel, a Palestinian-American extremist who was living in Missouri. The FBI investigated Khaleel for terrorism-related activities, including the procurement of a satellite phone for bin Laden, according to court documents and interviews.
The FBI has revealed and released volumes of secret reports concerning the Saudi Imam support network for 9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi, and Khalid al-Mihdhar while they lived in San Diego CA. The names of radical Saudi Imams who came in contact with and supplied material support to 9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar have been published in multiple FBI reports. But there are no FBI reports linking 9/11 hijack pilots Mohamed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah to radical Saudi Imam Muneer Arafat in Sarasota Fl where the terrorists lived from July 2000 to January 2001? In fact the FBI has repeatedly released bogus reports indicating that there was no Saudi linked support network for the 9/11 hijack pilots in Sarasota Fl, BULL! According to a Dec. 8, 2003 Florida Department of Law Enforcement report obtained by Florida Bulldog, a source told FDLE and FBI agents, “Imam Muneer Arafat was a member of the Islamic Brotherhood, who follows a radical belief…and wishes harm to the United States.” Imam Muneer Arafat has advocated suicide bombers in his sermons, see one such given at the Islamic Institute of Orange County; Dec. 23, 2005 Sh. Muneer Arafat - Friday khutbah 31 minutes 5.24 MB.
TWO OF A KIND: KUWAIT CITY CONNECTION, Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat, 58, and 9/11 Boss Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), 56, born in Kuwait City in early 1960's both were members of the Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization at the same time during the late 1970's and early 1980's. WTC bomber Ramzi Yousef born April 27, 1968 was the nephew of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (only 3 years different in age) also born in Kuwait City Kuwait. Al-Qaeda procurement agent Ziyad Khaleel aka Ziyad Sadaqa (Arafat's BFF) was born in Kuwait City on June 23rd, 1964. Terrorist Ahmed al-Kuwaiti born in Kuwait City in 1978 he was a member of the Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda, he turned out out be Osama Bin Laden's right hand man to the biter end in 2011.
IN SAN DIEGO CA: Between January and May 2000, the report notes, two cellphones “associated with Saudi spy Omar Bayoumi” registered 24 calls to the Saudi Consulate, 32 to the embassy in Washington and 37 to the Saudi cultural mission in Virginia. Bayoumi made a series of calls right before and after the hijackers arrived in San Diego to Mutaib al-Sudairy, a Saudi cleric who had visited him in California months earlier. Sudairy, who nominally worked as an administrative officer at the Saudi Embassy in Washington, lived for several months in Missouri with Palestinian American Ziyad Khaleel aka Ziyad Sadaqa who reportedly procured satellite phones and other equipment for Osama bin Laden. Ziyad Khaleel was also a roommate of Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat. Mutaib Sudairy was also linked “to suspected Al Qaeda operatives in Saudi Arabia,” the report says. Both Omar Bayoumi and Thumairy were also repeatedly in touch with Musaed Ahmed al-Jarrah, a key figure in the Saudi religious network who was a senior figure in the Islamic affairs section of the Washington embassy, FBI documents indicate. Jarrah “had a controlling, guiding and directing influence on all aspects of Sunni extremist activity in Southern California” and “numerous contacts with terrorism subjects throughout the U.S.,” the 2021 report states. At the Washington embassy, Jarrah also acted as a senior officer of the Saudi intelligence service. He was a close aide to the longtime ambassador, Bandar, and worked for Bandar again after he returned to the kingdom to lead the National Security Council; Jarrah was forced by the FBI to leave the United States because of his suspected extremist ties.23 Years since Sept 11th, 2001 attack on America by 19 Muslim terrorists backed by Saudi support networks in San Diego and Sarasota that got away. The 2 pilots that hit the WTC in NYC trained in Sarasota Fl during 2000 and early 2001. Jihad preaching Imam Muneer Arafat had a pilot's license (instructors license) before coming to the Sarasota Mosque in March 2000, just prior to 9/11 Kamakazi Terror Pilots Mohamed Atta, Marwan Al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah arrival in July 2000 in Venice Fl and then Laurel Ave W Nokomis Fl until Jan 2001. 22 Years since 9/11 and the FBI still will not give up records of 9/11 hijackers connections in Sarasota. So what was happening in Sarasota just prior to Sept. 11, 2001 must have been much more serious than we ever suspected.
Copyright Protection: Bill Warner Investigations Sarasota Fl Original Articles @billdetective
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